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Spearfishing Records

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Well-Known Member
Aug 5, 2004
I was talking with someone the other day, and i mentioned sheepshead. They said that the spearfishing record was about 13lbs? I personally have shot them up to 20lbs. This last summer i got one about 17lbs. I didnt even know they had spearfishing records. How would i register a fish like? Here is a picture of the 17lb Sheepshead i shot. Im not the guy in the red shirt. He was the driver for that day. Im taking the picture.
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I believe the record holder is Richard Martin. He dives the breakwater in Lewes, Deleware. Met him a few times out there, he's a really good guy. Anyway, if you want to boot him out of the record books you need to go to the IUSA website. Just do a google search for "spearfishing world records". They'll have insturctions there. Good luck.
thanks i did some more researched today and found that info. I STILL cant believe the world record sheepshead is only 13 lbs. Thats crazy small for a world record.

Keep in mind a World Record is only as big as the biggest fish that somebody bothered to submit. Additionally, for the IUSA this also means the length of record keeping has not been very long. A few year's back (around 2000) the IUSA decided to start it's records over (doesn't make sense to me) but because of this there are plenty of fish species that don't have any fish submitted yet (hence the low weights of some 'World Records'). Hopefully in time as more and more people find out there is such a thing as freedive spearfishing world records (such as yourself) weights for all fish will become more in line with what a World Record should be.

Ya no wonder. It makes sense now. When i go back to Virginia in June, im gonna submit a Sheepshead.

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