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Spearfishing video!!!

Thread Status: Hello , There was no answer in this thread for more than 60 days.
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let me ask you something Kpk, before we go and tango about morality and what have you not, but have you ever hit a coral with your speartip?
kpk...why dont you stay in that greek spearfishing portal is you only want to be exposed to greece's morals. This is an international community with people of varying beliefs, morals, dive conditions, and lifestyles. If you cant appreciate that or think that your your version of morality is the best or only one you will never learn from anyone else here. Isnt that why we are all here?

I have learned much from the European spearos here EVEN THOUGH I have little in common with them. Some might tell you they have learned a little from me. Thats the beauty of deeperblue. But it all boils down to respect. You wont last long here unless you learn that.

You really dont know what you are talking about on this subject so I will try to understand that and keep myself open to your input. Hopefully you will have something to contribute to this community and not just beat a dead horse.
kpk said:
A spearfisherman has many ways to catch fishes.
1. With tis hands (yes , with his hands)
2. With spearfun using his breath
3. With speargun using H2O tanks
4. With chemicals that bring fishew to the surface (common practice nowadays)
5. ....

# 1 & 4 wouldnt be a spearfisherman would they.... :hmm
What would you say if I told you in many places it is considered cheating, or as you like to put it, "stealing from the church" to used any spearing device with a trigger? They only allow polespears and hawaiian slings. They think your powered guns are as bad as chlorine, dynomite, or heaven forbid...scuba tanks. This would include most of the Carribean countries. When I go there I happily use a polespear and enjoy it immensely.
mate, in australia the tunas voting freedivers. if i go in with tanks the kingies are gonna be crying for years. same as the rest of the crew here.
all for free. thats the sport thats the game. 300k groupa hwo never saw a human and got done withe an 8 mm from one meter in the head ......mmm sounds like true hunting
Kleanthis, this post is 3 years old...
welcome to DB
thank you.
of cource, but we all need to make a start from somewere dont you agree?
anyway my mates from greece inform me that they got a 100 pound tuna 2 weeks ago with a 140 2 20f rubbers on from 4 meters through the head like butter lol
nice and sweet
the guy that said "want to know its up 2 them" but it might be but imagen if u were a fish and cant escape
that video was pretty soft...he was surrounded by amberjacks and shooting the little snappers...this video made me cry.
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