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Spearing Product of the Year?/Favourite gear?

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Well thanks to Mr xs advice i now use washing line, works very well too! -


  • P1020885(1).JPG
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my omer ice fins!
and imersion concept t4 75 incredible range with those 2x16mm!
ja, thisis exactly what i use, i just did remove the reel.
and the best is i bought it brandnew from a guy who got it as present and didnt need it anymore. price was 40Euro (incl shipment 18euro)
great value for the priceroflrofl:friday
Reactions: Mr. X
My best bit of diving equipment in general is my mum.

Cos even after we've woken her up at dawn on a Saturday, (we try to be quiet getting ready to go honest!) She still cares enough to thrust a hot coffee into my hands as soon as we get back to the family Batch from our morning out on the sea.

It gets pretty cold down here at the 45th parallel so that first cup of coffee is a godsend I can assure you!!!
Reactions: Mr. X and spaghetti
Sounds good. Hope you make sure she gets plenty of fresh fish for her kindness.

A couple of items that have grown on me recently:

RA catch bag -- 'Thought the one I have was way too big at first and getting a crab in when you have several in there already can be quite a challenge (the weight tends to close it up & spiders grab on all over the place) but I have grown to appreciate the toughness, simplicity and even the size of it. Handy for crabs, scallops & better than the stringer if you have to carrying several fish any distance. Folded & tied on the float, it can be low profile. I also have a lighter weight, finer mesh bag with a clasp type opening for crabs but take the RA more often - figure it will last longer.

RA stringer - big & tough, I originally thought this was a little OTT for the UK. However the long, tick cable & heavy duty swivel are useful features when you have several fish & the end loop allows easy clipping with a karabiner or orca clip(unfortunately the swivel doesn't - a stainless steel ring or keyring would be a useful addition). The big stainless steel pin is a very good iki spike and stays sharp - although than means having a protective point cover on it whenever not in use is advisable:crutch.
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