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spearo fins with open heel?

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South African in Canada
Oct 21, 2002
Hi guys...

Does anyone know of a spearo fin manufactured with an open heel? Closed heel fins are a pain due to the eventual inevitable tearing of the foot pocket... is there a reason why spearo fins are made with closed pockets? Something to do with mobility of the ankle perhaps? The stress from kicking being distributed through the foot pocket as opposed to being isolated to the strap of a open heel perhaps? :confused:

you just have to buy finswimming bifins in fiberglass.
You don't find spearfishing fins with open heels because they are just too lazy for innovations.... (if you continue to buy them, they don't think they have to do R&D)
the sporasub or esclapez fins are more than twenty years old! how many years have they waited to promote carbon fiber? hmmm!
monofins are born twenty years ago and we just see them in freediving.

I am spearfhing with monofin and we are only a few to do so but maybe it will change in the future (20years?)

there are so many examples of the old fashioned equipement of freediving
hi charcaradon,
Esclapez and sporasub both make open heel fins, and I know of at least one of the guys on here(Sven) that uses them. The reason full foot pockets are more prevalent is they transfer more energy to the fin since they totally surround the foot. Personally I've never had a problem w/ the foot pocket tearing unless I cut the rubber on a shell or rock, usually I end up breaking the blade long before that though.
Boet , cressi used to have an open heel as well , not sure if still available . Tearing really should't be an issue with C/H 's though
People using O/H normally do 'cause they have problematic foot sizes . IMHO stick to the closeds .;)
i was just saying that the world of spearfishing-freediving moves very slowly. This is true, isn't it? monofin, fiber-carbon,training...

For the open heels, i thought we were talking about hopen heels that you find on monofins. BUt you seems to talk about the open heels used by scubadivers with boots. sorry for the mistake.

Originally posted by matthieu

I am spearfhing with monofin and we are only a few to do so


Nuff sed ...

Sorry Abriapnea but here in Europe, 99,99% of spearfishing guys are using bifins. that's a fact. I don't thing i am a :king

what type of monofin are you using? :confused:

i took my waterway down to the cayman islands and actually was able to use my camera w/ it on. it's horrible for stability, but coming up from depth never felt so good. :)

if i could figure out how to put my cressi foot pockets onto a soft blade, it might be the ticket for hitting fish at that 40m mark.

Originally posted by Jay Styron
Esclapez and sporasub both make open heel fins, and I know of at least one of the guys on here(Sven) that uses them.


Yep, that'd be me :king

The Esclapez open heels I wear are pretty much the only show going as I have those problematic size feet and have to wear 5mm boots to ensure being able to walk after the dive. When I'm fortunate enough to be in warm water I can swing a closed heel OMER Millenium with a 3mm boot, and if it's an all day or deep thing, I'll put another 3mm with the toes cut out over the boot/footpocket. Either way, I also wear a pair of fixe palmes to make sure that they're on my feet when I surface.

I did notice after my last long trip that one of the blades is showing work hardening at the juncture where the reinforcing ribs on the underside of the blade are pressuring the blade on the top surface.:waterwork At $100 and change, I'll have to break out the spare third fin... proof that wearing the fixe palmes works. :hmm

And that 40m thing with a monofin? yeah well, whatever. :t

Yes we're producing them - WaterWay. You can see them on
www.waterway.ca - 'longfins'. They're amazing and the performance of fiberplastic blade is much greater then carbon one.
Who has tried fiberplastic never go back to carbon. The livetime of fiberplastic is awesome. I know some guys who use the fiberblades 8-10 years after intensive using - they're the same in power.
You can use any bi-fins from us. Short-fins are great in price and resqufins are also very good. But for my point of view the long-fins is the best that I've ever seen.
So you can order them online. No problem.
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