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Specialfins Problem

Thread Status: Hello , There was no answer in this thread for more than 60 days.
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Snorkel Bum

Absolut Escargot
Mar 26, 2004
Hello everyone,
I have a pair of Kelpies which I bought a few months ago, I have not used them alot, lets say 5 days in ocean water (around 3-4 hours each time) and 4-5 hours in pool water.
Now at the back under the foot pocket (near the screws) an starting to go down the blade are these white dots, they look like air bubbles or something strange like that :confused:
I havent felt any change with the performance apart from that the snap is somehow less significant...
I am not too worried but it is starting to annoy me whenever I look at them and especially if I swim with them...
Does anyone else have this problem too, or have any information about it? I feel gloomy, my babies are sick :(


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I would also like to note that they were DEFINATLY not there when I got them :waterwork


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Yeah.. I emailed Jyri and he said it was the first problem like that he ever had! Well, if ayone has som einfo bout it it would really help! Thnx
Your pictures look like a fiberglass panel that wasn't completely saturated with resin. The "bubbles" look like the topmost part of the fabric that was not saturated and are now absorbing air or water.

From my experiance with Jyri, you will be well taken care of, whatever is going on.

I've seen this sort of problem twice, once on an early (1998) finis carbon experimental fin, and again on a mat-mas fiberglass/carbon hybrid monofin. It usually means something in the material is breaking down, I think the details are less important.

Eric Fattah
BC, Canada
I think that Connor is right.
The fabric is not 100% saturated, and while you have been using the blades, the airpockets have increased in size.

This is a clear fault in lamination and the warranty will most certainly cover it.

First time I have seen this happen in SpecialFins blades.
You are going to get a replacement pair...right?

Wow, thanks for all the help... I emailed Jyri and he said that he will make a new set of blades for me!!! Pretty amazing service! :p Anyway, I am gonna go cry over my dying fins :'(
Thanks everyone!!!
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