I follow the One Whose Tomb Is Empty
If God allows atheism and unbelief, who am I to forbid it.
So before anyone gets offended - please bear with me.
I have been freediving for 34 years and I am able to recall almost every single dive I made - thus I can identify with anybody in his passion for freediving - the qualitative aspect.
I have been at international comps doing national records,
and I like to work at my depth, see my recent post: 51.2 (freediving stories).
Therefore I can identify with anybody in his ambition or urge to go deeper - the quantitative aspect.
There is a special reason why I mention these things:
to be all things to all men, that I might by all means save some.
That implies I am not trying to change the world, nor does God.
I only want to be a road sign to a personal relationship with God on the basis of Jesus Christ's death in our place.
As a law student Josh Mc Dowell chose an interesting subject for his thesis: He wanted to prove that the Bible is not reliable as supernatural resource. In his attempt to rip it apart he surrendered to the overwhelming evidence in favour of the old book. The conclusion of his study: there is no historic incident better or more variously supported than the resurrection of Christ.
Isaac Newton was a firm believer, in fact among his contemporaries he was better known as a theologian rather than as a scientist. When Jim Irwin, commander of Apollo 15, returned from the moon he made this famous statement: "It is more important that Jesus has walked on the earth, rather than that man has walked on the moon."
What was good for them is good enough for anybody ...
I wish You all safe and pleasant dives!