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Sporasub One Air Assembly (and other related stuff)

Thread Status: Hello , There was no answer in this thread for more than 60 days.
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Unfortunately I didn't keep the oil that came out so can't check it. So I guess if I'm not using it for a number of weeks I should swap between resting it on its muzzle and then the handle so the oil coats every part.
I'll contact Sporasub and see what they say. I haven't taken it apart before, just bought it in July.
Unfortunately I didn't keep the oil that came out so can't check it. So I guess if I'm not using it for a number of weeks I should swap between resting it on its muzzle and then the handle so the oil coats every part.
I'll contact Sporasub and see what they say. I haven't taken it apart before, just bought it in July.
Keep storing the gun on its muzzle, but every now and then upend the gun and give it a shake to move the oil around inside it and then put it back on its muzzle. The gun will still be under warranty, taking it apart will void that, so better check with Sporasub before you do any dismantling. Another quick check you could do is to shine a led flashlight down the inner barrel with the piston removed and see what things look like at the rear end. I use a led flashlight with a small head that I can see past for that job, such as checking my guns that use three ball sears to make sure that they are still in place (the balls can sometimes fall out).
My diving friend and I are using Sporasub One Air 100.
While our spearguns are waiting at home, 20 bars and 7 bars are falling. Our spearguns started to miss air on the same dates.
Rifles were purchased at the end of 2016
We are waiting for your help.

In order to fix an air leak you need to find out where the air is escaping from. Pump the gun up and put it in a tub of freshwater and look for bubbles streaming out. Leaks can be slow, so put a drop of dish washing detergent in the water and any bubbles will cause a frothy patch to develop on the surface in the vicinity of the leak. You can check each end of the gun separately if the gun will not fully submerge in the container you are using.
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I can not find the sporasub one air orings. In turkey, there is no sporasub one air orings in the distributor. Please give me a link I can buy.

Two options:
Email Omer directly (they own Sporasub) or try to find out what size o-ring you can replace those with.
Though I tend to measure and identify all the o-rings in my guns, I sadly didn't do it with the One Air and it is in Thailand, not China (where I live).
On "traditional" guns like e.g. the Stens I think all the o-rings except the big ones sealing the nose cone, handle and bulkhead to the outer reservoir are standard sizes. The big o-rings seem to be a size I can't track down, but the rest are. So, I suggest you measure the o-rings in question, you need calipers, and then cross reference with different standards in e.g. Parker's O-ring Book (search for it online).
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Oring of the omer airbalette, hanging in the sporasub one air???
I think most of the o-rings are the same for those two guns. The Airbalete has a different muzzle and reservoir, but the handle and I think the internals are the same, too.
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