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SPOT Freedive Lisbon 2010

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Well-Known Member
Jun 3, 2005
It seems that this competition went largely unnoticed, but since I was there I want to write a few lines about it.

It must have been the smallest one I ever took part in (6 athletes!) but with two international judges it had AIDA ranking status, the registration fee was very modest, and it allowed three attempts in any of STA, DYN, DNF. The format was quite original, with three afternoons in the pool and the rest of the time free for relaxing or, like in my case, sightseeing.
But what I especially liked was the friendly and family-style atmosphere. Mario and Mafalda the organizers are the best hosts one could wish, and thanks to them I felt like I really belonged to the locals although I was the only foreigner. Also Ana and Luis the judges were the nicest ever, although always strictly following the rules. It had never happened to me before to be followed to the toilet by a judge :eek: And for that matter, it had never happened to me to pay the registration fee two days after the start.

Add to that the warm pool, the cheap prices in Portugal, the interesting sights in Lisbon, and the sunny weather... I surely hope to go again next year.

A short movie can be seen .
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