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Staying Safe while diving at night

Thread Status: Hello , There was no answer in this thread for more than 60 days.
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Good tips. Since I know you dive at Blue Herron Bridge, I'm curious -- do you put a light/glowstick on your required flag buoy? If so, what kind? I haven't found one that I love for this purpose yet.
Good tips. Since I know you dive at Blue Herron Bridge, I'm curious -- do you put a light/glowstick on your required flag buoy? If so, what kind? I haven't found one that I love for this purpose yet.

I did not the last time I did a night dive at the bridge but I have in the past when I lead night dives. I'll usually just use one of my tank blinkers. I've got the Orcatorch ones. They aren't bad. :)

Cheers! :)
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I did not the last time I did a night dive at the bridge but I have in the past when I lead night dives. I'll usually just use one of my tank blinkers. I've got the Orcatorch ones. They aren't bad. :)

Cheers! :)
Hi, I used an OrcaTorch SD01 mounted to my flag float, and it quit working after the first dive at BHB - I thought maybe the banging against the flagpole was more impact than when used as a tank light. Is that the one you use, and if so, have you used the same one multiple times on a flag float?
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Hi, I used an OrcaTorch SD01 mounted to my flag float, and it quit working after the first dive at BHB - I thought maybe the banging against the flagpole was more impact than when used as a tank light. Is that the one you use, and if so, have you used the same one multiple times on a flag float?
The ones I have are like this:

That seems to be the newer design. Just a standard tank blinker. I don't use glow sticks. I prefer these. If I were buying them today, I'd get a couple and a couple of their 14500 -C rechargeable batteries.

Cheers! :)
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The ones I have are like this:

That seems to be the newer design. Just a standard tank blinker. I don't use glow sticks. I prefer these. If I were buying them today, I'd get a couple and a couple of their 14500 -C rechargeable batteries.

Cheers! :)
I may have to try the SD03. I also prefer not to use glow sticks -- my go to tank lights now are the Innovative 500 Hour Water Activated Flashing Marker Light. The water activation with those is nice, and they last a pretty good while, but I wish they were rechargeable.
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