I think what you may want to do is store the suit inside out for the duration of your trip. Normally you want to store and transport your suit with the delicate, unlined interior on the inside. However, there have been cases where a suit is not rinsed and left right side out and completely dries and the inside rubber can stick to itself, with the potential for damage as you try to separate. You want to avoid this possibility.
If you are worried about bacterial growth, you could rinse as well as possible in the ocean and then allow the suit to dry in direct sunlight with the inside out. The strong sun tends to kill nasties. I would not do it for much longer than it takes to completely dry, because exposure to direct sunlight -especially on the smooth unlined interior is NOT good for the rubber and will eventually take its toll. It may be the best short term solution, when your options are very limited.
Of course it is best (for longevity) to dry your suit in a cool dry shaded location.