Hi rddk,
Thanks for weighing in with your thoughts and comments.
I can answer your inquiries in several ways:
1) you are likely just simply a better Freediver than I.
2) rest-assured, I am in fact also working on my equalization, as well as breath hold, CO2 tolerance and flexibility in parallel.
3) I did not spend a lot of time on the modification - in fact with this write-up I suspect than anyone could duplicate it in less than :20 mins. I could make another in less than :10.
I found the changes very helpful and spent much more time actually documenting and writing it up on here to share with others, for their benefit (as I already have my mask done!).
4) this was started because I have a very narrow face and a sphera doesn't fit and even with the Micromask, there was extra additional void because of my narrow face, so I wasn't getting the same benefit as others with this mask.
If a 1/2 or 2/3 scale sphera had existed, I never would have gone down this route - but more on this later.
5) why do you choose to wear the Micromask and and not something like this??:
I just took it to the next level / made a further round of improvements that met my needs.... Which leads me to:
6) I wanted a very low-volume glass-lensed mask with good visibility for safety (to undo possible entanglements) and silicone coverage for the forehead / sinuses, as I was in 2* an 6* surface temp water last week. This mask allows great upwards and downwards visibility without having to move the neck (important to reduce chance of trachea squeeze).
Liquid goggles do not meet these needs / criteria even remotely.
The mask volume is one of the airspaces that needs to be equalized upon descent and seeing as that air is not available to us once we put it in, until we start ascending again, I want to put in as little as possible.
7) some people like to tinker / tweak / personalize / optimize their equipment for their own needs or physiology - I did this when I raced cars and gained significant competitive advantage.
Others stick with off-the-shelf and do just fine.
8) seeing as I live in Canada and my depth diving is very limited for about half the year locally, I did have time to think about my depth plans and how to make my diving and reaching my target depths easier.
Hope that helps answer your inquiry.
All the best,