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Sussex Spearing 2011

Thread Status: Hello , There was no answer in this thread for more than 60 days.
It can take a long time to get an up-to-date response or contact with relevant users.
The Deeper Blue Regional "OMD" spearfishing competitions prize winners will be announced in time for Christmas.

On this coming Sunday, the 18th of December there will be three consecutive polls running so you can vote for .....

The best fish of the year (FOY) winner collects a £200 voucher to spend at the Apnea store.

The best Flatfish in honor of Old Man Dave ... the winner to receive a special trophy hand made by respected forum member Don Paul.

The best Thick lipped mullet, winner to receive a brand new 80cm speargun donated by the Apnea store.

The polls will be run for four days so please make the effort to vote.

Watch this space for more details on Sunday.
Just got back to the UK yesterday after a couple of months away - the plane came in over the north devon coast, and hugged the south coast all the way - amazing views of lyme bay, portland, jurassic coast, isle of white, selsey bill, etc. Obviously totally revved to get back in the water, particularly with all the stories of big bass and monster mullet from the dorset crew. I went in this morning - it was a typical brighton day - cloudless sky, sea like a millpond and viz like porridge. oh, and the water was cold too. was in for 1 to 2 hours, and I didn't even see my speartip, though I did manage to get quite excited at a couple of half imagined shadows in the gloom. at least I had a drunk south african lady on the beach telling me all about her recent snorkeling holiday to the comoros islands.
How do we get a sussex 2012 page started?
anyone else been in this year?
... at least I had a drunk south african lady on the beach telling me all about her recent snorkeling holiday to the comoros islands.

Priceless. Yes, that must have been really helpful!

So...Brighton's porridge and Newhaven's pea soup. Hey..I wonder why the Sussex thread suffers so much. We shall have to do our best....but I'm feeling more trips to the Grandparents in Dorset.
Hey guys,
I've been on the look out for the Sussex 2012 post too! Haven't been in yet. Was hoping to this week but have been suffering from a bout of the man flu! Hoping I'll be well enough to make it out Friday morning.......
don't worry, we'll have some decent viz before the summer is out! but yes, dorset trips sound good...
Hey guys,
I've been on the look out for the Sussex 2012 post too! Haven't been in yet. Was hoping to this week but have been suffering from a bout of the man flu! Hoping I'll be well enough to make it out Friday morning.......

get well soon matey, and good luck on friday! let us know if you bag anything
Argh, just recovered from 2 weeks of the worst flu I've ever had. It was officially upgraded by the wife from man-flu to flu!

Where are you thinking of going on Friday? I'm preying the weather holds out - just perfect spearfishing weather.....gently warming the sea and tempting the fish further north...