More that day...
So with the explanations of distance and depth over with, I dropped again to the South where the bottom was slightly further from China and made out the outline of a fair sized cabrilla off in the haze. Going into my steathiest "I'll swim over there while pointing at it" mode, sure enough it followed and at 12 or so feet from me, I thought I'd see if the SeaSniper bazooka was worth the pesos. Without going into too much detail, yeah it is worth it. The spear had zero fall over the 12 feet and put a 3/8 shaft exactly where I pointed it, no having to account for distance. And all with one hand. Smoooth.
After that and nothing more, we headed South and alongside La Reinita, a small rock by No Cal standards but with a bunch of fish on it. Except now. :head I got absolutely schooled by a wall of bonita but other than that, no grouper grunts, no cabrilla, Stripped marlin, wahoo, Hmm.
At this point my newly cut-on sinuses were doing great but my arse was feeling it, in spite of marathons on the stairmaster back home, so I pulled Eric's limp carcass into the boat, told Jesus to hit it and we adjourned to the casita for some hammock lessons. I excelled.:king
The next morning I reflcted on things and decided to pull off the safetys and bloody the boat. Just like I did the day before, but this time successfully. We headed to the North again and around to an area new to Eric but that looked muy roca and clean. I splashed and saw a decent sized pargo book it into a underhang while loading up the Wong. Not moving my steely gaze from the rock I dove and there it was. Went back up, unloaded one band to keep the rocks behind the fish dent-free and dove again. One shot to the noggin and the stink was gone from the boat and the rest of the trip would be gravy. The eel that followed the pargo out will get over having my fist deposited on it's snout.
South to a favorite place of mine where the ghostly shapes of the Pargo and Amberjack swerve in and out of the shelf filled bottom. And there they were! Damn spooky things. These table top bottoms at 50-60 ft are just the best for dropping onto and appealing to the fish's curiousity. Bless the PFI clinic for changing my style from suck it in and kick, to roll over and free fall.
I shot at several and landed another and saw the outline of a trophy
pez fuerte or AJ or amberjack off in the haze, but they don't get that big being curious or stooopid. That just works for me. I will allow for one thing and offer it to the masses here. Having a 60" log cannon alongside your body, in a 72" overhang- just because the tip is pointed at 50+ pounds of Dog snapper, doesn't mean the rest of the gun is lined up. The coral behind the fish now in another zip code, will grow back. The tip is in question...:blackeye