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swansea wales

Thread Status: Hello , There was no answer in this thread for more than 60 days.
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New Member
Jul 18, 2006
any one from swansea in wales? or am i swasneas only free diver *cough*attemting free diver:friday
Hi Mikey check out saltfee divers in Chepstow although inland there may be others there from your neck of the sea
Spaniard said:
I believe Pastor is based in Wales perhaps more northerly???
Its true, for my sins I ended up in Anglesey. If your ever up this way give me a call. There are a few more too, Ben, Tim1, tecdave, Robbo66 and Alun
we're here, just keeping our profiles deliberately low.....at least i am!
soooo here is a hushed welsh welcome.....


Hush hush.....keep that profile low, fish numers up and my freezer well stocked!!!!!
im miffed, we should be proad to be welsh and petty these poor english ppl why the white text?
No no......i just get the impression that we are on to a bit of a good thing here in s wales as far as spear-fishing is concerned......i dont think we need to advertise the fact and the white, well it's just a bit more interesting and subtle....
Hi guys,

I am going to be in Swansea next weekend (1st and 2nd Sep). Would be good to meet up with anyone for a dive or just some locations?

Hi mate

Just registered on the forum. I am living in Port Talbot now but lived in Swansea for nine years.

I have just enlisted for a freediving course in Dec. Any tips on breathing exersises or techniques I can practise????
I'm from Swansea and back there every month or so. Where do you freedive ? I usually go to Caswell or Langland when the tide is in, sometimes the cliffs in between.

I have noticed that there are a lot of freedivers in the Swansea area. If you want to meet up with other freedivers, come to a Swansea Finswimming Club training session. Usually there are two or three freedivers at the sessions and the club has a small freediving contingent. Go to Swansea Finswimming Club | for details.

The club trains at Penlan (Monday 9 to 10 p.m.) and the National Pool (Friday 7:30 to 8:30 p.m.). Many of our members go into openwater as well (mostly Caswell bay but other Gower sites as well).

Have fun,

I am living in Port Talbot and will be doing the SETT course in December. I would like a buddy to practice pool or sea training. You mentioned you live in Swansea so if you fancy a training buddy get in touch
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