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Tanya Streeter 'Freediver' Animal Planet/BBC Special Info Requested

Thread Status: Hello , There was no answer in this thread for more than 60 days.
It can take a long time to get an up-to-date response or contact with relevant users.


New Member
Apr 27, 2007
Greetings everyone-I'm new to these forums-just discovered them tonight/this morning. I'll start by saying that this looks like a great community, and I can't wait to start perusing the beginner's section to learn all I can about freediving. My interest in freediving started last semester (2006) when I was looking at a new 'athletic outlet' (for lack of a better phrase). I had the opportunity to scuba dive which was a lot of fun, but eventually ran across the concept of freediving. I (almost) instantly fell in love with the sport from a conceptual level, as I had never done it before, and started reading everything I could about it at the time.

After a day or two, I was flipping through the channels and saw a show involving a female swimming/diving and narrating what she was doing. I later discovered that this was Tanya Streeter and a 2 hour documentary called 'Freediver' which I'm sure many of you have seen.

My dilemma is that I only caught the last 45 minutes or so, and would like to see/have the whole thing to view. I looked on Animal Planet/Discovery and it is not for sale on DVD. I called Animal Planet and Discovery channel and they told me that only about 25% of all of their shows make it to video/dvd release, and that it was not slated to re-air any time in the near future. I have searched a bit on the forums to see if anyone has posted a link, and one member had a DVD list with links to files that included this special, but it was no longer on the site, nor did I feel like paying the $30 for the ability to download.

So, after that rather long winded intro/predicament, I was wondering if anyone here happened to record the show on either DVD/VHS that they would be willing to trade/mail a copy (I'm fairly certain it is not illegal to make a recording for 'personal use' as long as you are not 'selling it, but I'm not a lawyer, so I might be wrong (darn physics!)-or if anyone has a link or knows of a place to 'download' the special, it would be greatly appreciated. I really wish animal planet would just release it on a DVD-it was a 2 hour special that looked pretty amazing from what I saw-I'd buy it in an instant-even for $30 bucks!

Anyway, I apologize for the length of this post, and appreciate your taking the time to fight through it and respond!

I look forward to talking with you on these forums in the near future-

Hey Jeff,

firstofall: Welcome to DeeperBlue.
second: I'll second that :t

I don't have or know of a copy of this documentary, but will be watching this thread, because I, too, would like to at least see it once.
Ive also seen it, great doco. At the end when she swims with the female whale and the calf is great. If your familiar with bit torrenting check out Mininova i downloaded it a while back.

Oh when she gets spat on by the lizards. rofl
Hi Guys

I just noticed this thread going (welcome Jeff!) and even though I normally don't post on forums I thought I would give you some inside scoop!

To clear up any confusion that TV viewers in Europe might have in reading this thread, "Freediver" is a combination of the first 3 films I made for BBC2 - "Dive Caribbean" (Belize), "Dive Galapagos" and "Diving with Whales" - which was released on Animal Planet. As far as I understand it, "Freediver" only airs as a 2 hour special, rather than the 3 independent films, here in the USA. The UK and the rest of the world (courtesy of BBC Worldwide and some excellent dubbing) see each individual film, and have seen the 4 that followed - "Shark Therapy 1", "Shark Therapy 2", "Diving with Dolphins" and "Top Wild Dives" (which is a compilation special of all the films with more of a personal look at me).

Unfortunately, neither Animal Planet nor the BBC have released any of these films or compilations on DVD. There are continued requests for them, but as I have learnt, it is a complicated issue and not as simple as it sounds. I keep my fingers crossed that one day the whole series of individual films will be released. It's going to be an easy year for Christmas presents when that day comes!!!

My advice would be to programme your Tivo/DVR's to find my name and/or the word "freediving" and record the shows. (If you're lucky, you'll get to see me sled diving in New Zealand on National Geographic, and my only on-camera blackout!) Now, having given you that advice, I don't even know how to do it, but I know it can be done! I rely on friends and family telling me when I am on TV....

"Freediver" does still get repeated on Animal Planet, and the independent films seem to be in somewhat constant rotation elsewhere in the world, so hopefully there will be a chance for you guys to see them (again).

And finally, I am really touched to read that the films are enjoyed by divers. I am a very lucky girl to have had my freediving career take me in a direction where I get to travel the world and encounter so many amazing people, animals and places. THAT must have been the reason I trained my a** off to go deep.......

Best wishes from Texas!
hi tanya
i mean uau!!
the first freediving movie that i've seened was with you teaching a texan student...
i recorded the movie on VHS and I look at him all the time...
i don' believe that you posted here....
Thank you guys so much for your responses-

I can honestly say that out of the many different forums on different topics on which I have posted, this has got to the be most welcoming and enjoyable-talk about really motivating me to 'get crackin' on learning to free dive and start training! *Thanks for that!*

Anway-I am amazed that so many people posted and are all interested in this (I was hoping it wasn't some 'beginner' thing

And Tanya - I had to read your post twice because I couldn't believe that you actually posted-Thank you soooo much for your input on the situation-it seems like it shouldn't be that hard to throw the films on DVD and release them-I actually sent an email to you (the email address listed on your website) asking if there was anyway to a) get an autographed photo somehow and b) if there was anyway to get a copy of the show, but it just sent an autoresponse (I figured so-I understand you're probably very busy, but thought I'd giv 'er a shot anyway!).

I do a lot with independent film work and it sure isn't hard for me to release stuff on DVD (well-the budget is-maybe that's where they are having trouble?).

I am going to keep my eyes open for Freediver and any other diving show I can get man hands on (as they seem to be few and far between). I am actually a college student in the US, so it seems they've aired the specials a bit differently (Thanks, Tanya for letting us know-since the show(s) has no record of existence on Animal Planet/Discovery's websites.

Thanks glennv-I'm going to PM you right now-very much appreciated! I found a torrent awhile back that I am leaving up right now-unfortunately it's only going at about 1.2 KB/s and it's very sporadic-and for a 700 MB file that isn't very fast or reliable (no big deal really-as long as it finishes sometime

Once again-thanks to all and happy diving! I can't wait to get started in this sport (I don't think I've ever been so excited to start a training program!

Take Care,

(...) THAT must have been the reason I trained my a** off to go deep....... (...)

Since you mentioned it, if i may, with all due respect, it's a beautifull one...
As a said in other thread about these, thank you so much for thoose amazing programs.
I watched the whale one the other night, great stuff! I want a silver wetsuit.....
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Reactions: Mr. X
Lets hope these amazing films come out on DVD soon so we can all buy them (I for sure will).
But untill then I have after dozens of Pm requests made the "Top Wild Dives" show available in a lower resolution version for download.
Its about 250 MB 500x400 resolution.
HERE (standalone flv player included in zipfile just in case)

(if you get a vdeck or website not found error, select the adress in the adress bar and press enter. That should work. Don't know why. Better even is do right click > save as)
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I did the easy part. Credits go to Tanya !!!
I realy can't wait to see this in decent DVD quality with dolby 5.1 sound. That would be my Christmas present ;-)
Reactions: Kars
Just finished watching it, a fascinating documentary! Superb work Tanya! And thanks to glennv (if you can find any other movies, let us know ).
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Sounds like you guys are getting it all figured out.....

I agree that it seems really simple to just release the films on DVD, but I am sure you will appreciate that the BBC and Animal Planet/Discovery have all kinds of criteria that must be fulfilled before making that investment. We all (the production crew) agree that the films have been very popular, but I don't think that alone is enough to convince them.....

Elios Sub in Italy make my silver suits, by the way, from #45 Yamamoto rubber. Elios also work with Heiwa (?) material, which comes in silver too. So, if you really do want one, it's not impossible! Check out Elios' website at www.elios.com for more info. Keep in mind though, that the material is extremely fragile and you have to become expert with soapy water and a delicate touch to get the suit on without ripping it.

Good luck guys. Next time I know one of the shows is airing, I will post it on DB. The last one was shot at the end of November and will air later this year in the UK, so watch this space!


Reactions: glennv
Thank you Tanya!

Amazing series, I cannot wait to see the final episode!

Love, peace and water,

Fabulous documentary (Top Dives) Tanya! Great atmosphere, passion, experiences and eye candy!

I sincerely enjoyed watching your experiences and expressions.


I am sorry about the question . But how can i get to watch one of those videos.
Thank you
I am sorry about the question . But how can i get to watch one of those videos.
Hmm, that's what this thread is about. Did you actually try reading it? Tanya wrote that she'll tell us in advance when she knows the documents are aired the next time again. And Glenn posted a link to the video in Flash format and even included the Flash Video player, so simply download, install, and watch it.
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