just a note on some of the posts regarding gun accuracy...
i think that if we all found a standard target, we could shed some light on some truly relative accuracy tests with different guns. i know IYA has been adamantly pursuing this.
i know in the states, we have this "orange safety fencing" all over construction sites. i think it was sven that suggested this as something to be used, quite a while ago. well, i've been thinking about it and wanted to state my reasons for using something like it...
first off, i think the squares or diamonds, are 1.5 inches accross. if a standard target (say, 10x10 squares/diamonds) was used, everyone could easily report data w/o much confusion when comparing other data taken by other shooters. the 1.5 inches would serve as the tolerance factor needed to filter out erroneous shots for variables not considered such as waves, water density (fresh/salt), visibility, etc.
i think if people were to shoot at the target several times, we could get an average, since what we're REALLY looking for is consistency. because, there's always the chance that the innaccuracy could be from the hand of the said shooter.
anyways, this would give us a good idea of the guns "true" accuracy. once the shooter was comfortable hitting the target w/ a consistent grouping of hits, the distance could be increased until the deviation from center became noticeably different. then, the target could be moved back to that last distance mark of noticed accuracy and could then record a series of shots.
i think IYA might point out the argument of "punch". i think that as long as you're not "lobbing" shots at the target, a straight path of the spear to the target should prove some evidence of momentum.
if everyone's noting the band power and spearshaft length and diameter, then it should all be relative. being that everyone gives truthful info. 
anyways, i just wanted to get this started and let everyone put in their 2 cents, and let IYA put in his 2 pages.
i think that if we all found a standard target, we could shed some light on some truly relative accuracy tests with different guns. i know IYA has been adamantly pursuing this.
i know in the states, we have this "orange safety fencing" all over construction sites. i think it was sven that suggested this as something to be used, quite a while ago. well, i've been thinking about it and wanted to state my reasons for using something like it...
first off, i think the squares or diamonds, are 1.5 inches accross. if a standard target (say, 10x10 squares/diamonds) was used, everyone could easily report data w/o much confusion when comparing other data taken by other shooters. the 1.5 inches would serve as the tolerance factor needed to filter out erroneous shots for variables not considered such as waves, water density (fresh/salt), visibility, etc.
i think if people were to shoot at the target several times, we could get an average, since what we're REALLY looking for is consistency. because, there's always the chance that the innaccuracy could be from the hand of the said shooter.
i think IYA might point out the argument of "punch". i think that as long as you're not "lobbing" shots at the target, a straight path of the spear to the target should prove some evidence of momentum.
anyways, i just wanted to get this started and let everyone put in their 2 cents, and let IYA put in his 2 pages.