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technisub ranger (newbie help!)

Thread Status: Hello , There was no answer in this thread for more than 60 days.
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New Member
Apr 5, 2012
Hey guys. I just got a Technisub Ranger speargun. I don't really know anything about spearguns and I am wondering what the best way is to test it. How many pumps is safe, and is it ok to fire it out of water? It belonged to a relative who passed away and his wife want's me to sell it for her. So, I would like to find out if it is working good before I try and sell it. Thanks for any info!
Awesome thank you very much for the help! That's actually the post that lead me to this forum, but the links didn't seem to be working at first (even after registering). But now they are, so thanks again!
Hi there. A friend of mine gave me his old technisub but it won't pressurize. I'm going to strip it down and try replacing the seals but is there any way to get original parts? Or am I going to have to use the Mares parts as suggested above? If it is just seals it is not a big deal but for other things I'm worried about compatibility. I guess my last option is to buy one for parts somewhere.
Put it in a tub first to see where the leak is, a few drops of liquid detergent will form bubbles above the leak as the small bubbles rise to the water's surface. Of course pressurize the gun before putting it in the tub and submerge it fully by putting something on top of it which will hold the gun under the water. Then think about pulling it apart.
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