it took a while to find because if forgot the title but lots of good information in this thread..
My thoughts on how it applies to me are that my natural CO2 buffering is bad. When my training was going well the latest I could ever push my contractions with normal breathing was 1:45. 4:45 was really fun :/ On days where I was even slightly unrelaxed or hadn't been training properly that went down to around 1:20. Other Eric Fattah experiments that I tried (eat/drink baking soda) did help a little bit, but also made me feel quite sick after so I couldn't use that.
Reasons for this are most likely genetic and partly diet, I eat a lot of meat and carbohydrates, and probably too much cake. basically I don't eat a lot of bi-carbonate (buffer) forming foods. And considering that it only takes around 15 forced+full inhales + passive exhales for me to get severe symptoms of hypocapnia (further evidence of low buffers) and even on statics starting on the edge of HV BO I still get contractions before 5:00 I must be building enough acid to negate the negatives of high alkalinity.
Attached is another Eric Hypothesis.. hadn't read that before but the thought process supports my thinking that using alkaline blood to our advantage to oxygenate the veins and limit O2 desaturation at the beginning of the dive might help as long as we build back acidity to use the O2 near the end.. Since my body seems to build acidity quite quickly, this doesn't cause any issues for me.
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