I try to breathe as normally and as relaxed as possible most of the time. This also means that I respond to my body's needs. If diving recreationally, and I have just kicked 150 meters to get to another spot and I prepare to dive, of course my breathing will be deeper and faster because that is what my body asks. If I'm just floating motionless or barely kicking, then my breathing will be calmer and more shallow.
It's funny because back when I first started freediving and I took a course in 2005, I was taught ventilation breathing - 3 seconds inhale, 10 seconds exhale through pursed lips. This way you reduce your heart rate and now I know, you also reduce CO2. To top it off, perform 2-3 purges then one normal inhale and exhale and then a maximal inhale and dive. I did it this way for years, why question it? I never BO'd from it and it seemed to work well enough. During the course, I made significant improvements in a 3-day span in static and depth and I was super excited about continuing my training and exploration of freediving.
Then I came across Deeper Blue and met other freedivers from around the world... I must say, I was also quite defensive about all these different theories I read on this forum telling myself, "That can't be right, that's not what I learned!" I paid $XXX for my course! How can these guys just tell me that!" Things such as FRC diving, exhale diving, no warm-ups, no mask or wetsuit dives, no structured breath-up dives, contractions are your friends... "Are you kidding me! Where did all this come from!" Very much against the grain from what I knew, but interesting tools for the toolbox, I couldn't leave them alone.
Compared to the way I used to dive, my "unlearned" breath-up of basically not breathing-up usually brings contractions earlier, but they are less severe and I can actually feel bloodshift and vasoconstriction occurring. I try to focus now more on my pre-dive mental state and I try to let go of as much ego and expectation as possible and try to dive in the immediate moment. I also try to kick in the dive response as much as possible and I still do a facial immersion, flood my suit, and do all this and a warm-up without my hood if possible.
I'm still evolving of course, and as much as I'd like to tell you I have a certain breath-up routine, I actually don't, but it is much mellower than before and I just try to listen to my body as conditions dictate.