On a previous thread there was mention of the "one minute test" used for underwater hockey training and as it looked like an interesting way to get a reference point for CO2 tolerance I gave it a go. Here are the somewhat uninspiring results.
5min deep slow breathing, 3 purge breaths, inhale and hold for 55secs, exhale and inhale again (one breath 5secs) and hold again for 55secs…….repeated this one minute cycle until I failed on the 13th one. I didn’t have any contractions until hold 5 and from hold 9 I was having contractions for the entire 55 secs(boy the exhale and inhale were a relief if only for 5secs) I failed on the 13th hold when I lost the ability to hold the air in.
I remember Eric saying he did 2min cycles on a single breath recovery and did this for 30+ mins which by comparison I can probably deduce that we are at the two opposite ends of the capability spectrum when it comes to CO2 tolerance.
…..for those still reading thanks and here are my questions.
1. From this, is it fair to deduce that my CO2 tolerance is rather poor……therefore a great area for me to work on and see improvement.
2. Is there a similar test (maybe empty lung cycles) that gives an indication/reference point for hypoxia tolerance as well?
3. Is it possible to work out which of these two are my weakest area and while needing to improve both I could add some emphasis to the weaker of the two?
5min deep slow breathing, 3 purge breaths, inhale and hold for 55secs, exhale and inhale again (one breath 5secs) and hold again for 55secs…….repeated this one minute cycle until I failed on the 13th one. I didn’t have any contractions until hold 5 and from hold 9 I was having contractions for the entire 55 secs(boy the exhale and inhale were a relief if only for 5secs) I failed on the 13th hold when I lost the ability to hold the air in.
I remember Eric saying he did 2min cycles on a single breath recovery and did this for 30+ mins which by comparison I can probably deduce that we are at the two opposite ends of the capability spectrum when it comes to CO2 tolerance.
…..for those still reading thanks and here are my questions.
1. From this, is it fair to deduce that my CO2 tolerance is rather poor……therefore a great area for me to work on and see improvement.
2. Is there a similar test (maybe empty lung cycles) that gives an indication/reference point for hypoxia tolerance as well?
3. Is it possible to work out which of these two are my weakest area and while needing to improve both I could add some emphasis to the weaker of the two?