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The REAL November Caption Contest!!

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icarus pacific

Nov 7, 2001
Ok, so now that the place is secure and I've found my way back here, let's get back to what's really important- coming up with funny sayings to the photo I put up. :ban

This month's Contest is going to be short, it being the 17th here and who knows when it is where you're at, so your best bet is get right after it and be funny. Now look, being funny means being fairly decent, as in no obvious profanity and the like. And believe me, I have this English language thing down pretty cold, so don't even try to put one past me. :hmm

That said, Wisconsin (it's a state ;) ) had it's DB delegate Jon send me a photo of Wisconsin reprobate, Ted, in fine form in the crystalline waters that are the local watering hole. Makes ya wanna move there, huh? :duh

Funniest caption takes home a DB t-shirt or mondo espresso holder.

Welcome to the new and improved place. Now someone tell me where my little blue squares went...
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This is TOO easy!

<Sung like Kermit the Frog from the Muppets>

"It Ain't Easy.... Bein green!"


Or better yet....

"I KNOW that fish has to be here somewhere!"

Seeing as Ted's 2 year old Black lab could only hold his breath for 35 seconds he needed a new "best friend" to retrieve the free shafted crappies.
Man was always renowned for taking advantage of nature.

Here we see sven using an organic armrest to aid in his relaxation ;)
"Ok..look pal. the fish live down here. you humans live up there. capicce??
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1) Teamed up for hunting :)

2) Ted, cover my flank!

3) Which shall I choose? Never mind, I take them both in one shot!

4) How conviniand to have this nice soft armrest to level.

Darn! Another limeologist here! When the heck will they send down a kiwiologist or a strawberryologist? I'm tired of swimming around in all this lemon juice!

5) Am I seeing double? 8)

6) And it's matchpoint! Anna Kournikova is ready for her service, the audiance hold their breath while they try to memorise the curve ... of the tennisball.


Ted and the Bass searched in vain for the bag of limes, unfortunately nature had played a dirty trick..........
Down at the 17th green Tiger lines up his birdy putt watched closely by Phil "the fish" Mickelson
"Son, there are some things you need to know about our topside neighbors.
First, despite their fancy equipment they have no lateral lines, so they are pretty blind, not to mention slow and clumsy in the water. Just in case never swim in front of them.

There are several types. The ones that blow bubbles all the time are pretty harmless, but sometimes if you get too close they explode in light, we figure it's some type of defense mechanism, some sort of bioluminescence. You can't see for a while afterwards but it doesn't last long.

Then there are the "fishtails" They don't expell bubbles and are faster. They seem to be pretty friendly as they like to come up close and watch you. The also react with bioluminescence sometimes but are generally harmless. There are unfounded reports of fishtails even helping us out every so often, but I think it's just an urban legend, it's never happened to me.

The worst are like the one right here, don't worry, if you keep to the side he won't see you. These don't blow bubbles, have split tails and one of their arms is longer than the other. We call these "jellymen" because if you swim in front of them they can sting you badly. Sometimes it can be even mortal."

"Dad?" "Yes?" "I've noticed that they change color from black in the winter to pasty white in summer, do they molt?"

"I'm not sure but we think so, there's a lot of stuff we don't know about them. All in all they are pretty wierd creatures!"

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<Golf Announcer whisper>

"The human is carefully lining up his shot, studies the current , the drift, and the forward motion of the intended target. He is taking his time about it, making sure that this, the final shot on this par 5, takes out the intended target."

"Oh my goodness! Out of nowhere, a cloud of flourescent green marker dye has appeared, spoiling the humans chance for dinner this evening! I don't know about you, Ocean, but that must just make the human sick, wouldn't it?"

"Well folks, the human can't hold his breath any longer so that's it for today. Join us again next week on "Shooting Fish In A Barrel." I am your host, Carl Bass with my partner and co-announcer, Ocean Perch, saying so long for now and, remember, it isn't the size of your lungs that counts, it's how long you can hold 'em!"
Fish:.....Now, now, quietly does it...I'll sneak up and scare the living daylights out of him !!
Ted had the instinctive ability to always know when a fish was nearby. In this pea soup though, he knew for sure there was nothing around for miles... - The Worlds Largest Community Dedicated To Freediving, Scuba Diving and Spearfishing


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