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The river

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Jon, I hope you set that squirrel up on the bank so the duck could eat it rofl
I just looked up "desperate" in the dictionary, and it said "see jon".

Diving for frozen squirrels and drug paraphernalia in a 33F rip-current is a new low for you, my friend. How long before you send us pictures of you in the bathtub? rofl

At this point, I don't think you can ever return to the Caribbean. You would simply explode from euphoria.
I've been spending 4-5 days a week in the pool, but it doesn't compare to openwater- even freezing cold openwater with a ripping current. I guess I could post pics of that, but I haven't found any cool junk in the bottom of the pool- yet.

I've also got 3 times as many warm water trips under my belt as you but still appreciate whatever water I can have available. Over the years I've seen many hard-core coldwater divers take a single warm water trip and give it all up for "vacation diving". We used to call them pussies, but from now on I think we'll just call them "Ted's".rofl

We live in Wisconsin and that means getting outside to enjoy the elements- whether that means skiing, hunting, winter biking, sledding, ice skating, or cold water diving. If I didn't get out and enjoy those things I would just become another 400 pound Packer fan stuck to my TV all winter- and Wisconsin has too many of those already.:head

If I didn't get out and enjoy those things I would just become another 400 pound Packer fan stuck to my TV all winter- and Wisconsin has too many of those already.:head

Oh, I didn't realize you were doing it for your health. Maybe the man on State Street who wears a tin-foil hat and runs in circles while screaming at his feet is also just trying to burn off a few calories.

When you post photos of 12-inch crappies, I'll suit up. Until then, I will be on my couch, aspiring to join my 400 lb brethren.
Oh man! Stop you guys- you're making me cry from laughter. Feed the ducks some protein will you!

I envy you JON - that you're going out in this weather- I'd be out there with you if my back wasn't messed up. Hopefully soon I can freeze with ya.

I think I've actually seen that crazy guy Ted - I think his name is Dusten - LOL
Its not the Phoenicians you need to be worried about, its those dang Hittites! Ha ha! Im afraid you slipped one by me there as well! Kudos to jon for having the balls to go out and go diving, and enjoy wisconsin for all shes worth. Id be doing the same, but the only open water we have around here is damns and my friends all fall under that "pussies" catagory jon spoke of earlier. Speaking on the back, I hope you find a quick recovery Whop. I was on a spearfishing trip this summer and didnt realize that I had to misplaced disks in my back, and active spasms. Thought I was sleepin on it wrong! rofl Then again we were spending the nights in a subaru, so that might have had something to do with it. Long story short, I dove anyways, then came home for a week long football camp at Minnesota State at Mankato. I took every rep. Stupid and painful. Take the time now to get it fixed.
Damn them too..All they talk is about UFO's:friday

LOL, I was actually living in Phoenix when the UFO's were spotted over the mountains. Back in the days of dial-up internet, I was flying flight simulators on-line. Some of the guys I played with were UFO nuts and asking me about the whole thing. I knew nothing about it. I was working a bunch of hours and never heard about it until about a week later

I love the conspiracy theorists!
When you post photos of 12-inch crappies, I'll suit up. Until then, I will be on my couch, aspiring to join my 400 lb brethren.

I've heard of people being single minded but that's pretty specific requirements- some might even say narrow.rofl

I've been at this stuff too long to get locked into just doing the same thing over and over. Muck dives, wreck dives, ice dives, salvage dives, night dives, spearfishing, monofins, dives, bottle diving, etc. It's ALL good. I don't care too much what the conditions are as long as I can get in the water- the less effort the better.

I've had some really good dives in 2' of vis before- back when we used to be able to take artifacts off of the shipwrecks we had lots of good dives in crappy vis digging through ship timbers. There's also a whole lot of divers who dig around for bottles in Pewaukee lake. It's not deep, it's not clear, but they get wet and see a bit of history in the process.

Anytime I think that I've been at this so long I might get bored with something I just take a look at my father-in-law who's been doing this as long as I've been alive- and is currently logging more dive time than I am.:head

BTW: I just got my new front-mount snorkel today and my new monofin should be here by the end of the month- both of which will make that river a rocking spot to dive this winter.:friday
Jane's WWII fighters, Ildiver?

I agree, Jon is mental and Ted's a tropical wuss.
I found a fiberglass boat toilet enclosure!
Jane's USNF '97 and ATF Gold. Also some Longbow 2. I had the WWII, but everyone I played with was playing USNF then ATF.

Jon and Ted....Keep it up, this is some fine low budget entertainment!
I've been at this stuff too long to get locked into just doing the same thing over and over. Muck dives, wreck dives, ice dives, salvage dives, night dives, spearfishing, monofins, dives, bottle diving, etc. It's ALL good.

If we ever discover a drown victim, I will not be anywhere near you when the TV cameras show up. Your optimism would be creepier than a porn-star mustache on a child-care worker.

Reporter: "How are you handling such a disturbing discovery"

Jon: "I've been at this stuff too long to get locked into just doing the same thing over and over. Muck dives, wreck dives, ice dives...dead guys. It's ALL good."
Wreck dives and Dead guys....sounds like Wreckrunner's old life in Ft Lauderdale!
Dead guys/girls- been there and not as much fun.

On a funnier note. I was coming back from a beach dive one time when I was approached by some middle school boys asking what I saw down there. I answered in my most serious voice, "I see dead people". It happened shortly after the movie The Sixth Sense came out and the other divers I was with got a pretty good laugh out of it. The middle school kids didn't know what to think.rofl
Ted- you have some of the BEST one-liners, I've ever Heard- you should write a book.
Ted- you have some of the BEST one-liners, I've ever Heard- you should write a book

I've got to agree with you on that one. My wife refers to Ted as the "Smartest Smart-Ass I know".
Yeah, but Jon gets the genius award for creating a new genre of underwater photography.

First, ILdiver I used to jam janes anthology back a long ass time ago. I was pretty dec i have to say. Great game.

Second, Jon. Im with you 100%. Id rather dunk my ass in the freezing water than grow to 400! rofl

Second. Diving for bodies not fun. My grandfather was a game warden, one of the first scuba divers in the state, and got to do that on multiple occasions. The most notable was when a european youth summer camp (in the dells area) did an annual river crossing. The whole camp would hold hands in an attempt to get to the other shore. The river was swollen, and washed all the children downstream. About half didnt know how to swim. My grandfather in the cold spring river, had to feel his way along the bottom with a woolen sweater for a wetsuit to find all the bodies... not fun.

This summer at a favorite dive site, four people drowned while we were diving! And to think they wont allow us to spear in the swimming area! IT WOULD BE SAFER! ha ha but realistically one drunk woman drowned her fiance, and three kids "drowned" while roughhousing on the dock. All three were choppered out, and I believe that two of them died.
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