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Thin Air

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Well-Known Member
Jan 21, 2001
A little bird told me that our very own Vince (thin air) has been accepted into the Canadian Military, and is being sworn in next week! I know that Vince worked very hard to be accepted, and had to do a fair bit of con-VINCE-ing his parents ;)
Congratulations Vince, I know you will be good at whatever you choose, and you will undoubtedly be an exceptional soldier.

All the best amigo,
Erik Y.
So it is not compulsory and he is still doing it?? Oh I was in the army two years ago... Costal message man.. Huh well I did get to freedive at the Military waters where the access is restricted.. it was pretty cool.. but rest of it..
Well Have a good time Vince!! and I guess Congratulations :confused:
thanks, i hape that things work out well... although i dont think that the army will let me dive, i hope i get to learn a bunch of new stuff, and i can now buy stuff, ah, money :D

good job lil'buddy! check out the "combat Diver" program the army has. lots of Mickey Mouse #$!% but you get to play with some nice toys - spec pay is nice to.

Ready Aye Ready

Good stuff Vince!! If you ever get a posting to Aus, let me know! :) Actually I've got a mate here who's getting posted to Canada next year I'll PM you :)
good deal Vince...always go after what you want.
been there.

hey Vince, two creedos to live by when it comes to the military...
1) don't volunteer for anything and 2) duck.

All the best in your lifechoices, kid. :cool:

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Well done Vince ...:cool:
As you well know ; (wouldn't be surprised if it influenced your career choice) ; women throughout the ages have always shown a particular fondness for men in uniform . ;)
Aloha Vince
After three years of reserve, I went regular at just about your age. In many ways it was the best six years of my life. Only advice is, take advantage of the educational opportunities, if they still offer them.
best wishes
I feel the same thing as Pekka, my army service was the worst 3 years of my life. But since your army is not obligatory, and it is a proffesional army (in opposite to a people/public army), it doesn't have to be like that.

O, and against what Sven said [the sky darkensand the birds stop singing <-dramatic effect], do volunteer in courses, it will show on your "sociometrics" and commander's opinions.

I wonder what made you choose that way of life, but as Erik said, I also think you'll succeed in what ever you choose to do.

Try not to lose any of your "joyfulness" and get too much serious.

Good luck.
Hi Deep Thought, 3 years... I got arrested to start with and thrown in military prison for being late.. really good start..it is the first impression that counts..
For all the advice you have gotten Vince, I don't think you need any.. because You'll learn quickly who is the meenie and who is nice and when to hide and when voulenteer... it is called Muscle memory.. and works amaizingly well:crutch But I think you'll have fun!
in Finland no-one wants to be there so...the atmosphere is horrific everyone is trying to avoid work....
Hi Deep Thought, 3 years... I got arrested to start with and thrown in military prison for being late.. really good start..it is the first impression that counts..
My superior officer and his commander moved out of my unit approximatly at the same period, and one of the new officers got pissed at me (for no real reason) and nailed me on a practice I used to do that was'nt on the rules but was a 'status qou' I achieved with the previous commanders before he came along to the unit and he new about it and didn't say anything untill he got pissed at me.
I got 28 days in army jail.
That happen when I was already counting two weeks to my vecation that came before leaving the army, and when your in jail, the "count" does not continue.
I got a pardon to 14 days after sending some letters from inside, but no thanks to him.
Anyway, I have too much horror stories, the whole 3 years sucked, this story is just one of hundreds.
I know the atmosphere as well Pekka, if you can imagine.

I hope we're not puting you down Vince, I know people who had good time as well, the better the place you'll get yourself in the army, the better the people you'll be with.
ya, i have heard some of those stories from where service is manditory, here in canada however, it is purely voluntary, we have to oppurtonity to decommision whenever we like
the funny thing is that lately both the US and Canadian government have been taking alot of pressure for not being tough enough on the soldiers, after speaking to a few recruits at the military college, i came to the conclusion that basic training has been very watered down, they said that drill instructors arent even allowed to use "degregatory" (i think that's the word they used) words like "wimp" and "pansy"...

after speaking to some others (1st years who where in the last week of basic) they said that there was alot of classroom stuff (these were all officiers) and that not much time was actually spent doing drills (only an hour a day) and most of them were not in amazing shape, (they were running a line test, a standardized test performed on a measured course, and the results were not amazing - i have run the test and would have got 3rd-4th) some of the more "in shape" recruits that use to go to my school said it was more like highschool then what they expected...:confused:

anyways, we'll see how it goes
Best of luck Vince. :) With your level of maturity and intellect, I'm sure you're more than aware of the roads you're choosing. That's what is so great about living YOUR life. You get to call the shots. Well, after a certain age, I guess. ;)

Bon chance, mon amie,
Vince , I agree with Bill ; you will most likely have an excellent opportunity to study in a variety of fields .
I served three years mandatory during the "bad times" , including 2 years active service in Angola and Mozambique , yet even so managed to come away with an overall positive attitude . It's pretty much what you make of it IMHO .
Again ; all the best .
You're in the Army Now

Hey Ground-pounder! :D

10 years in the US Navy (Never Again Volunteer Yourself) here and I gotta say, there were times when it really su#&$ed and times when I would not have traded it for the world. Seen a few armpits of the world (La Cieba Honduras comes to mind where the banana spiders running around INSIDE the hospital we were helping to rebuild were as big as my hand) and some really beautiful places (St. Thomas and Madrid)

As far as the "non-derogatory language" rumor is concerned, don't worry, you'll get your fair share of abuse ;) If you get asked where you are from, the best answer is "From my mother! Sir!" Otherwise, you will get to hear "Well, all I hear comes from there <wherever that is outside of mom> is Steers and Queers and I don't see no horns on your head, boy!" :hmm

Milk the education ops for all they are worth. When I went in, I had no job, no money, and 1 year of college. I came out with a LOT of experience, 3 years of Tech schools and some good references and memories. Got a job, finished my Bachelors and am working on my Masters now....

Whatever you do, do it to the best of your ability. Then, when it is time to movve on, you can look back and say "Yeah, I DID make a difference for the better!


Fair Winds and Following Seas
Thin air,
The best advice my Drill Seargant ever gave me was " Take every school the military offers you. I don't care if its knitting 101 (or something like that:hmm ) take it."
He was right. It's free and hopefully you'll learn a new skill you didn't have before. If they don't offer you many schools , force their hand ( within the limits) and dig around until you can get the slots you want.
It's a great oppertunity for an unmarried individual. Well that is if you aren't gung ho like I was and take a combat slot. If you can (I know it sounds like wimping out but it's really the smart thing to do) take a non combat slot. Something you can learn a trade in. Take it from me, there aren't many jobs that call for somebody who knows how to shoot a weapon and blow c-4.
God bless you in your endevours brother.:)
isn't that the truth! I have 2 cousins who both joined the Marine Corps...one became recon(spec ops) and the other went into bio chem stuff. The ex-recon is roofing houses while the other has a huge paycheck from his chem job! All courtesy of the United States government:D
Originally posted by rigdvr
isn't that the truth! I have 2 cousins who both joined the Marine Corps...one became recon(spec ops) and the other went into bio chem stuff. The ex-recon is roofing houses while the other has a huge paycheck from his chem job! All courtesy of the United States government:D
So true Rig, so true. My military combat training proved very useful in the real world...I work in a lumberyard.:head :waterwork
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