You're in the Army Now
Hey Ground-pounder!
10 years in the US Navy (
Yourself) here and I gotta say, there were times when it really su#&$ed and times when I would not have traded it for the world. Seen a few armpits of the world (La Cieba Honduras comes to mind where the banana spiders running around INSIDE the hospital we were helping to rebuild were as big as my hand) and some really beautiful places (St. Thomas and Madrid)
As far as the "non-derogatory language" rumor is concerned, don't worry, you'll get your fair share of abuse

If you get asked where you are from, the best answer is "From my mother! Sir!" Otherwise, you will get to hear "Well, all I hear comes from there <wherever that is outside of mom> is Steers and Queers and I don't see no horns on your head, boy!" :hmm
Milk the education ops for all they are worth. When I went in, I had no job, no money, and 1 year of college. I came out with a LOT of experience, 3 years of Tech schools and some good references and memories. Got a job, finished my Bachelors and am working on my Masters now....
Whatever you do, do it to the best of your ability. Then, when it is time to movve on, you can look back and say "Yeah, I DID make a difference for the better!
Fair Winds and Following Seas