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this or that game

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Both and more (check heart rate)...don't tell wifie about Catwoman (fantasy).

Grilled or baked? Notice the food direction--which is why I wiegh 206 lbs. now! Working on going to 185 lbs. (wifie will be impressed)!
As long it’s a 32oz sirloin I don’t mind, uummm 32oz steak or catwoman, I reckon I’d have to go with the steak along with a stilton cream and black pepper sauce.:friday:friday
Strong cheese (the sort that makes your teeth itch) or that mild stuff that they put in slice form on crap buggers?
Mmmm, strong cheese, I love it!! I recently got introduced to Witches Chase Cheese at Mt Tamborine. Very very nice. And the Mt Tamborine Brewery there served up a great burger with a beer taster. 4 small beers to help you decide your favourite. They now make my favourite dark beer ever.

Good entree or good dessert?
Mmmm, strong cheese, I love it!! I recently got introduced to Witches Chase Cheese at Mt Tamborine. Very very nice. And the Mt Tamborine Brewery there served up a great burger with a beer taster. 4 small beers to help you decide your favourite. They now make my favourite dark beer ever.

Good entree or good dessert?

good dessert. nothing like catwoman covered in whipped cream and chocolate syrup to satisfy your sweet-tooth

When dealing with big fish,
stone shot, or hang on for the ride :blackeye ?
good dessert. nothing like catwoman covered in whipped cream and chocolate syrup to satisfy your sweet-tooth

When dealing with big fish,
stone shot, or hang on for the ride :blackeye ?

Or over a pool table chasing away the sharks....Jeanette Lee
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Okay Island Drive. It's this-or-that. I can understand getting bleary eyed over the mere mention of Catwoman (check out Podge's pulse rate) but now you choose something offered AND then ask "this-or-that". Not real complicated. Now take a deep breath...and...

Stone shot! Nantuckette sleigh rides are too dangerous at my age.

Catwoman or Xena the Warrior Princess? :martial
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Reef because I rarely get out to pelagic but am into both.

Garlic or sans-garlic????
Garlic. How could a chef even think of posting an alternative? Shame on you chef Al.

Fire Worm or Anemone (as in stung by.)
Anenome, because I guess I'm due from all the small rock-pool ones I used to stick my fingers in when I was younger!

e-mail or letter?
Letter. It means a heck of alot more than an email. Takes bills for instance.

Blonds or brunettes?
e-mail -- I really hate writing letters 'cause my handwriting sucks. :head(And DD there are some things garlic does not go with--ice cream is the only thing I can think of at the moment but there are some). :blackeye

Hot tub or swimming pool?
e-mail -- I really hate writing letters 'cause my handwriting sucks. :head(And DD there are some things garlic does not go with--ice cream is the only thing I can think of at the moment but there are some). :blackeye

Hot tub or swimming pool?

Hot tub...relaxing,no excercise involved (I'll be 73 in 6 weeks!)

Ballads or pop?
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Ballads--"Wreck of the Edmund Fitzgerald" sung by Gordon Lightfoot.

Manual shift or automatic???
I notice on the sign in the back that it's "free". Probably just using the public as unwitting test subjects.
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