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Torn between spear gun lengths

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I live in Wyoming and will be going to Kauai Hawaii, mom has a place there, and want to do some spearfishing. Mostly reef and probably from shore. not sure on fish but at least parrot fish, i am torn between a 110 and a 120 which would be better
I live in Wyoming and will be going to Kauai Hawaii, mom has a place there, and want to do some spearfishing. Mostly reef and probably from shore. not sure on fish but at least parrot fish, i am torn between a 110 and a 120 which would be better
also have some friends in florida
For the clear water and skittish fish, a 120 would probably be a more popular choice. 10 cm is about 4 inches, so we are not talking about a huge difference here. Have fun on your upcoming trip!

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For the clear water and skittish fish, a 120 would probably be a more popular choice. 10 cm is about 4 inches, so we are not talking about a huge difference here. Have fun on your upcoming trip!


Agree (y)

The clearer water in Hawaii will benefit (you, maybe not so much the fish ;) ) from a 1200 as that extra range could mean the difference between a fish and no fish. Saying that, it is very hard to shoot fish right on the edge of your range and still get a decent shot.
If you need 'extremeeeeeee rangeeeee':rolleyes:, you could always double wrap your gun, effectively doubling the range. A 1100 would have more maneuverability, especially for quick reef fish. If you do go for a double wrap, find a band config that keeps the gun accurate, but powerful :punch:!
It's up to you.:D

Sorry about the late reply, hope your holiday went/going/is going to, go well!

Rock Shooter
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