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Training update

Thread Status: Hello , There was no answer in this thread for more than 60 days.
It can take a long time to get an up-to-date response or contact with relevant users.

Anything's good but what are you doing there to improve your Cardiovascular fitness? If you work your heart and muscles with endurance type workouts you become more efficient at using oxygen.
I would reccomend running or swimming 45 minutes to an hour a day up to six days a week. If you're not already doing close to that work up to it slowly. It takes about 20 minutes to warm up so anything less than that is not really advancing your fitness.

Originally posted by laminar
PS. # of days until I'm back in the ocean: 21
PPS. # of hours spent dreaming about it: 24 per day.

I'm finding out what you mean -- yesterday at work I was listless and distracted, staring out the windows and thinking about being in the ocean. The only time I was fully engaged was when telling my co-workers about the competition on the weekend. For me this is very unusual. Today is overcast and grey, so perhaps I'll get some work done...

2 days to the pool, and only 5 until the ocean. :t


Yep I know I should traing more my fitness. But I'm going to start bicycling about 25km /day 5 days a week soon. Maybe that helps that out.

Also doing some weight excercices for muscles.

Just though if my apnea routine will be good for increasing co2 tolerance.

A Brownsword,

So you're a new addition to the Freediving crowd in Vancouver. What did you think of the competition? Did you compete?

I'm looking forward to meeting you and everyone else.

Originally posted by kbakery
Blood pressure? How do you know it was up? by the strength of you pulse or the sound in your ears? And why is it good to have it high?

50 contractions? Good to know that's possible.


Hi, I know my blood pressure's up just from so much static training and breathe ups that I feel it....the pulse is strong in my neck, and elsewhere. I know I'm in dive mode when, at any time I take a breath, my heart rate increases above my norm, then will drop substantially as soon as I hold it. Also, if I'm healthy, and have been doing breath holds every day, I get to a point where I can hold my breath for 4 minutes on the first attempt, with no breathe up. The last 2 weeks were the exception with the injury, but those are usually the signs I know to listen to.
Eric F. has a good easy blood pressure test involving a short breath hold and a quick, deep squat, but you'll have to ask him, I can't remember it!
Hich blood pressure is important during a breath hold to avoid BO, hence the heavy hydration necessary before the attempt.
50 contractions is my "safe" limit, beyond that I will samba or BO. I am working on changing the breathe up so that I do not get contractions until later, but am not having success yet with it, so would like to refrain from describing it until I've healed my back, and had a chance to work on it a bit.
Thanks TP,
Erik Y.
Originally posted by laminar
A Brownsword,

So you're a new addition to the Freediving crowd in Vancouver. What did you think of the competition? Did you compete?

I'm looking forward to meeting you and everyone else.


I suppose I am -- I'm just nearing the end of Kirk's SFU course (only 2 more classes and 2 more ocean sessions, oh no!).

I think I ended up 6th in the competition, but that was mainly due to a couple of people who pushed their envelopes and Samba'd. Since they only list Canadian results, I suspect I'll be 5th on the CAFA page since one of the people who placed higher aren't Canadians. The gap between my score and the top 3-4 was quite substantial. :) It was definitely a lot of fun, and I'm looking forward to future local competitions.

I'm a little concerned with what happens after the course. I don't know any divers besides those in the course, and if I'm going to improve I need dive buddies to train with (and do recreational dives with).

Have you checked out the Freedive Vancouver club? http://www.holdyourbreath.ca It's on hold for the winter--but when I return to Vancouver, I'll resurect it. Sign up for membership and I'll put you on the email list.

You can come diving with me, Steph and Eric anytime. We do lots of fun diving, usually after the deep stuff.

I also will be teaching a monofin course this summer and I'm looking to organize a couple of club events and I could always use a hand.

Send me a private email if you want more details.

Results posted!!

I've just posted the results of the competition on the CAFA web page. You can find it all from the front page of http://www.freedivecanada.com where there is a photo and link.

There are a few group photos there as well. A veritable who's who of Canadian and International freediving.

Congratulations to all who participated!

Tom Lightfoot
freedivecanada webmaster
Last edited:
Thanks for the info Tom, it looks like there was a hell of a good time going on. Keep us posted.

Nice thread

I heard this was an interesting thread, and everything I heard was true. Interesting stuff. Keep up the banter about training and competitions - we're all learning a lot, and enjoying the performances vicariously.

P.S. If anyone has questions about the new and improved look of this thread, email me. I'm more than happy to discuss it . . . . off the forum.
Nice thread

I heard this was an interesting thread, and everything I heard was true. Interesting stuff. Keep up the banter about training and competitions - we're all learning a lot, and enjoying the performances vicariously.

P.S. If anyone has questions about the new and improved look of this thread, email me. I'm more than happy to discuss it . . . . off the forum.
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