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Trip to Kristiansund, Norway, Nov. 2010

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Halibut hunter
Nov 13, 2008
In early November I flew over the mountains to spend a few days in Kristiansund and go spearfishing with some of the locals. The goal was to see and shoot some big cod, pollack and hopefully some coalfish. The area also has some good anglerfish spots, so of course I wanted to try to find one of them as well.
The trip was a great success, I managed to shoot a bunch of big cod, a pollack and an anglerfish, but the coalfish were nowhere to be found. I only have pictures of the cod, hope you’ll enjoy them ;)
Thanks to Ørjan for the superb guiding and pics!

None of the fish were weighed, but the biggest cod must have been at least 12 kg, probably closer to 15 kg.


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Nice catch Andres.

Those cod look a thumping size I think the UK boys are getting the Cod fever :)
I want to be in Norway sooooooooo bad. Might take a trip sometime. Great cod, Well done!
Cracking fish Anders!

Scott, that DVD you sent me last year is coming straight out when the gf leaves the house later.............................

We were looking at organising a trip over to Norway last year but could not find a way of responsibly taking a few fish of that size as we could not transport them back to the UK. I did hear of a way in which you could give the fish you caught away to the boat hire place in exchange for petrol?

Just wondering what you did with your catch? I take it you just took your catch back home as freight?

Great fishing again mate! What depths were you diving?
Thanks for the kind words :)
It was an amazing trip, three days of diving all in all. A pollack and an anglerfish the first day, then loads of cod the next two. I was literally unable to lift the brace of cod in the second picture for a photo, so I just picked up the biggest one :D
Water temp was 7-8 C I think, air was just below freezing, -1 or -2 probably. Luckily no wind ;) A 7 mm suit kept me nice and warm for 2+hrs in the water.
When it comes to bringing your catch home, most of it was given to my dive buddy in Kristiansund, but I did bring ca 15 kg of fillet home for the freezer. I simply put it in one of my bags as standard luggage. If some of you come over, I think that's the easiest way. Besides, as a foreign recreational fisherman, you can only take 20 kg of fillet (+one trophy fish) out of the country.
Let me know if any of you are coming over, I'll hook you up with some locals and maybe come along as well if I have the time.
Depth is variable, but most fish were found in the 10-14m range, some deeper, some shallower.
Don't know about the exchanging fish for petrol thing; my buddy had a boat.
Let me know if any of you are coming over, I'll hook you up with some locals and maybe come along as well if I have the time.


I think you may have just opened the floodgates... there will be a bus with 50 spearo's from DB there in 2 days ;)

Very much worth thinking about :)
it would be coool go to Norway for a week try our selfs in different water .
when is best time in Norway for cod hunting ?
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