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Tuna and whales...

Thread Status: Hello , There was no answer in this thread for more than 60 days.
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Oct 15, 2006
An exceptional report ++ is made off the Atlantic coast of Canada about harpoon fishing the greatest world fish 700 to 900 lb weight: Atlantic giant bluefin tuna. Exceptional report because this professional fishing circle is pretty closed and we got the best weather conditions to do it. All the fishing steps are described before sending the fish to the Japan market. Amazing footages were made while freediving among these wild predators and whales..

An exceptional report ++ is made off the Atlantic coast of Canada about harpoon fishing the greatest world fish 700 to 900 lb weight: Atlantic giant bluefin tuna. Exceptional report because this professional fishing circle is pretty closed and we got the best weather conditions to do it. All the fishing steps are described before sending the fish to the Japan market. Amazing footages were made while freediving among these wild predators and whales..


Until today: 1 076 641 views!!...:cool:

I pioneering freediving /underwater video twenty years ago among Atlantic giant bluefin tuna which were free in the middle of the océan .. at the time the video shared by the divers were taken among tuna trapped in nets..
2 observations about these multiple expérience:
-In a tuna school there is a leader which takes décisions for the group: old about 20/25 years and massive
-First minutes you dive close to the school at the time they are hunting (herrings/ sardins) tuna do swimming as if you do not exist.. then they invite you to share the prey as if you were an invité predator!
Until today: 1 076 641 views!!...:cool:

I pioneering freediving /underwater video twenty years ago among Atlantic giant bluefin tuna which were free in the middle of the océan .. at the time the video shared by the divers were taken among tuna trapped in nets..
2 observations about these multiple expérience:
-In a tuna school there is a leader which takes décisions for the group: old about 20/25 years and massive
-First minutes you dive close to the school at the time they are hunting (herrings/ sardins) tuna do swimming as if you do not exist.. then they invite you to share the prey as if you were an invité predator! Myaccountaccess
Pretty cool and awesome.
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