you see Nesim that is why i want to get a club up and running. i understand Oman's security concers, although i think they are overrated. Its a small sultanate where cops still carry khanjars: imagine a cop against a Riffe?!
i have long dreamt of setting up a spearo tournament in the M.E. with sponsorship from major spearo gear manufacturers. as far as i know, spearfishing is allowed in Kuwait, but luckly its not that widely practiced due to the belief that it is nejis to eat a fish that died in the water. obviously, i dont concurr.
one of the best places to spear here in Kuwait is the islands, speacilly the 3 southern ones: Kubbar, Qaroh, and Umm Al-Maradem. also there is an old dismantles artificial sea island for fueling tankers. lots of groupers and cudas, spanish name it, if its big, its there. the oil rigs are off limits, to the average person, but due to the fact that my dad owns a marine construction and services company, all our vessels, even those for personal use, are registered with the concerned authorities and currently have no restrictions in terms to access to specific sites- but im not allowed to abuse those priveleges-darnit!
i cant wait for the water to get really cold and those big boys to come closer to papa!
good luck and happy hunting: season is about to start