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UK and Europe

Thread Status: Hello , There was no answer in this thread for more than 60 days.
It can take a long time to get an up-to-date response or contact with relevant users.


take a breath and relax..
Apr 26, 2001
Hi all, especially those of you land locked in the UK,
Im after some info on nice dive spots anywhere in the UK and also mainland europe. Im after interesting things suitiable for an 'average freediver' Id like stuff to see things to do and maybe some fish to shoot.
I'll start the ball rolling, Great Sleadon Rocks, between Prawle Point and Hall sands (UK) Dive when the wind is blowing out to sea, lovely water a small friendly seal colony ever present spider crabs a few fish and a tunnel under one of the rock outcrops (watch the seals they love it!) Dive high or low slack, further out the current can get high, 2m to about 15m. If anyones taking a trip down here let me know....
Now where else!
Joe, aka the Ickledevil
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