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Thread Status: Hello , There was no answer in this thread for more than 60 days.
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Well-Known Member
Jan 21, 2003
Anybody out there done any free diving in either of these two places? I'm considering a trip in Spring/06. Any info would be appreciated.


I've dove/freedove both places but wouldn't go back- neither would my wife. Lots of biting bugs and some pretty overfished reefs. I did get to dive with whalesharks on Utila, check out my user's gallery, but tat was the highlight. I couldn't believethe lack of fish on Utila- like an hour long dive without seeing anything bigger than my finger.

The one thing they have going for them is that they are cheap, once you get there. Otherwise I could think of many other places i would rather go back to- many of which you can reach with your own boat!

Thanks Jon,

I had the feeling that fish were pretty scarce, but didn't realize it was that bad. When were you there and how healthy were the reefs?

I was there in 2001 and the reefs in Roatan were ok, but no fish. The reefs in Utila were in pretty rough shape above 50', and just ok below that. I am not sure if they had gotten hit with a hurricane or had some kind of coral bleaching problem but it was pretty rough.

One of the best reefs I have ever seen was off of Puerto Rico. I have to admit to being a little surprised by this considering the amount of people on that island, but the reefs were realy noce- saw a few fish but not as many as in other places.

Ted told me you guys were looking at a few other places and I would recomend Bonaire- they even have a freediving operator on the island now.

Thanks Jon, check your pm's, I need to talk to you in more detail.

Hello !!
I was both on Utila and Roatan in may (whaleshark period) and i do not agree with Jon !
I spent a couple of weeks both freediving and scuba and found the reefs very nice and the life very dense, i couldn't tell u the species in english. There are very nice 20-30 m freedive spots right of the coast (2 wrecks at 17 and 30 m right out the bay in Utila, 5 minutes swimming and an immediate access to the reef in Roatan).
I would say that the main problem in the 2 locations is not the reef nor the fishes but the crowd, the very cheap rates (around 180 USD, less on Utila, for a 10 dives pack with scuba) brings massive international divers.
Still, i can tell i had good fun in and out the water.
At the time i was there you could freedive with UDC in Utila.
We have done most our freedives by ourselves after 4 days of scuba to check the right spots.

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