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Walking Apnea and Dynamic Apnea...

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Farmer Mat

New Member
May 5, 2003
i was wondering if i could compare my walking apnea performance with my dynamic apnea performance...
The problem is that i have no buddies around my area, but i still like to know how far I could dive in the water! I think it is much easier to get someone outside for a short walk... :)
I assume i can do 100 meter walking apnea - slowly but steady pace... So is there a "general" rule how i could know how far i could push it in dynamic apnea?
I know that there is no formula for that, but shouldn`t it be possible to derive from my walking apnea performance a dynamic apnea perfomance...?
May this questions sounds a little bit stupid, but i think someone with a little bit of practice may can help me...
I would be really happy about an answer, because i have nearly no possiblities to excersise in the water and i would be motivating to know that...
Farmer Mat
but shouldn`t it be possible to derive from my walking apnea performance a dynamic apnea perfomance...?

I doubt it.
But you could ask people to post their walking/dynamic results and gather some statistics. That would give you some idea about other people's performance. :)
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Some statitics...

hi again,
your idea is not bad octopus... - thanks for your help :)
I missed to ask that - i assumed that it is maybe hard to find a "rule"...
So, can some people tell me about their performances in walking/dynamic apnea?
looking forward to your answers...
greets mat
I think it´s not possible to stablish an equivalence because every one has an different degree of aquacity but everibody walk very similar. Will very interesting for you to make your own "table".

Here's a start: apnea walk of 120 yards feels the same in terms of urge to breath and apparent CO2 level as 80 yards dynamic with long fins. Anybody else??

Thanks anyway...

thanks for your answers anyway... especially cdavis! :)
Even though this topic doesn`t seem to be very attrativ - i hope some people will tell me about their performances anyway...
I will go snowboarding for a few days! so nice holiday i wish everybody...
I've never measured the exact distance, but in terms of time I find that I can walk much longer.

I'd say a ratio of maybe 2/3 in favor of walks. As I said, I haven't measured it, but it is surely a lot longer than my dynamic pb in distance as well.

I also find that going even slightly uphill or downhill makes a huge difference. Propably with right kind of elevation you could pretty effectively "simulate" the drag caused by water. Maybe not much point in it, but it could help someone with rare access to pool training to measure their progress...

But this is something that will propably be highly individual, so you'll have to experiment and find your ratio...

Personally I think apnea walking is good training, but there's no point in trying to draw a direct link to swimming. Just think of it as a separate thing and concentrate on improving on that. In fact it could be dangerous for you to think that after having doubled your apnea walk, you can double your dynamic. You will have done so by finding the right pace to walk, right "technique" and so on besides just hypoxia/hypercapnia tolerance. If you haven't been in the water all that time you will not have improved in finding the correct pace or technique in water and will most likely improve only sightly. But if you go in there expecting to double your result, you'll find yourself trying too hard, resulting in a samba or bo. Or so I've heard ;)
You can compare apnea walking with dynamic but the ratio is very individual.Also you must consider the fact that just by doing the dynamic thing(whether is walking or swimming) in the water,you trigger the diving reflex and therefore you'll have a better performance in time and distance.For example,my 'dry" static is about 4min. but when doing it in a pool it increases by at least 40sec.
Anyway,the walking apnea is a good exercise because you can do it ANYTIME and ANYWHERE and it definitly improves your dynamic apnea :)
In case anyone still is reading this, my walking apnea (when I would measure it) is a little over 100m and my fins apnea is around 75 m (I actually think they are higher now). This is similar to cdavis, but the part of technique development playing an importnat role can not be underestimated. Still, I think it is a great way to develop tolerance, especially when you're walking down the street, between classes, etc. I also like it, because you can't drown from practicing this, although on a few occasions, after ending the exercise, I can't help to gasp for air, and I do get some looks, and the very occasional 'are you OK.' When I tell them they're breathholding exercises, they think I'm even more of a weirdo. . . The worst is when you're in the middle of the walk and someone talks to you for directions, to say hi, . . . many laughs.
I share your pain focarequin. I do my walking apnea in between classes at school. I try not to make gasping too noticeable, I try to make a controlled recovery part of the training, but sometimes you just can't help it.

I almost hate it when I see someone I know because then the apnea is ruined AND you have to gasp before you can talk to them.

People already think I'm weird, now they know I'm weird! j/k :)

Hi Mat,
I do that aswell, on my way to college. Its good training but there are many differnent factors you have to consider in dynamic apnea.
1. You are utilizing different muscle groups to when you walk.
2. There is less pressure on your chest.
3. And then there are things like abradycardia (that only happens underwater), the temperature in the water and everything is a bit more spooky underwater.
These factors may well affect your heart rate, and hence your overall breathhold.
Dunno if that helps much but its something to consider.
Happy diving!
Peace, Sealdiver.
There is a secret of effective apnea walking when you want to compare it with your dynamic. Because we cannot train maximum dynamic very often due to lack of training partner or pool availability, we can train dry walks. However, the whole purpose of dynamic is to extend distance (not immersion time), therefore you must use the dry walk for the same puropose. You must go for a dry walk distance up to point of samba. You will then recognise how those feelings compare when you believe you can do 10 more paces but collapse after just 5 more. Recognising these stages is vital. Now for the secret......ALWAYS do a 45 minute (static or walking) warm up session just as you would before maximum dynamic, then commence your maximum effort walking for maximum distance until you literally drop to all fours. Measure your distance and time. (you cannot do this seriously between class rooms, so do it properly on the school field). Compare the time taken with that of a max dynamic. If the walk is over more quickly than your max dynamic, you must decrease the walking speed of the walk next time, until both your max dynamic and dry walk time equal each other. You now have established a base line. Future sessions must try to increase the distance AND the walk time by either increasing or decreasing the pace of the walk. Try running the walk and see how far you get.
Apnea BUTTERFLY, Walking Apnea and Dynamic Apnea...

Haydn puts forth a logical approach to apnea walking, especially the distance comparison. One variation that I have used to apnea walk on full exhale (FRC?). This reduces the distance required to reach a maximum. I am amazed how little distance I actually walk during my work week on a regular basis. So, shorter, more intense, distances work in better into my routine. Maybe I will walk more will as gas prices go up.

My friend and USA record holder, Kevin Busscher, does "cardio-apnea" on the cardio machines at his YMCA. He gets his heart rate up to cardio levels (150 bpm for 40-some years of age. Mine is 130 bpm for 57 years.) and then holds his breath for 20 second intervals on one minute cycles for 20 minutes! (Kevin, I hope you don't mind my sharing. I think you shared this already on the CFD group). This is a real workout.

The other variation on apnea excercise is: Apnea Butterfly. In trying to simulate Kevin's cardio-apnea in the pool, I started doing apnea-butterfly. Butterfly always gets my heart pumping so I swim 25 meter lengths on one breath on one minute cycles. Butterfly uses a lot of the same muscles as my DNF (especially the shoulders). I usually start out with about 6 strokes per length. But as I get more tired, the number of strokes increases to 8, 9, and sometimes, 10. However, at the end I can usually bring that number back down to 6 or 7 s/l. The next challenge for me is to do more than one length in succession. So, apnea-butterfly offers an alternative to dynamic apnea practice without supervision. At least if one sambas during apnea-butterfly, then it will be obvious to the guards.

You guys are in much better shape than me. I'm curious how that conditioning translates into dynamic.

Glen, what is a long dynamic (with longfins) for you, both distance and time. i. e., a stretch but not your pb.

cdavis said:
You guys are in much better shape than me. I'm curious how that conditioning translates into dynamic.

Glen, what is a long dynamic (with longfins) for you, both distance and time. i. e., a stretch but not your pb.


Connor, I don't use/own long fins. A long or max dynamic-no-fins for me is 100 meters to 114 meters. I don't know the exact times but it seems to take me about 1 minute per 50 meters. Peace, Glen
Translation into dynamoc is simple. There is no point in doing a two minute dry walk if you can only do a 90 second dynamic. You must get the walk to equal the approx time of the dynamic by speeding up the walk and thus reducing the apnea time. You will then be able to experiment with the walk to increase its distance by a few metres every time and the duration should also increase a few seconds. Of course you may find that you increase the walk distance by walking either very slowly or by virtually jogging, but these results are of little use. Your dynamic event will last a specific time, so train to that time in the walk. By doing this you will find after around twenty walks which pace is better for you.

Experiment also with the breathe up to find the best way to spend the 45 minutes before your max effort. If you are really lucky you might find you can match your walk exactly with your dynamic. eg your max dynamic 125m in 75 seconds and your max dry walk also 125m in 75 seconds. If you get to that stage (even if you have to walk with a weighted back pack) you will really start to understand.
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