What's the advantage of having the float line attached to your belt, rather than having it atacched directly to the gun?
For me there is no advantage either way. Attached to the gun or to the belt, the floatline is always annoying.
It disturbs gun movement in a case or body movement in the other, it gets tangled on barnacles and everything, i's such a continuous hassle.
And however, the float and the floatline are necessary as a signaling device and for storing things (spare guns, drink water, grouper hook, car's key's...).
What can I tell you for sure is that in the Mediterranean, and in Euope in general, we don't have the habit to attach the floatline to the gun. It has to do with the average type of guns (manouverability is the main quality of european guns: an attacched floatline would impair the handyness) and the type of hunting (seizing smallish fish behind or under rocks, into the kelp et cetera). You will rarely, if ever, find a Med spearo with the float attached to his gun. I have never seen any at all.
The habit of attaching the floatline to the gun is more typical of areas where the do moslty blue water hunting, on bigger fish, with heavier guns and generally in open water.
Of course I'm talking general, you may come up with exceptions and different specifications, but that's it.