I have been using a set of cylindrical weights for several weeks now since Octo gave them to me. Prior to that I was using an old set of big square scuba weights. I have never used the flat tapered weights. Is there much difference? My current set is better than my previous set but they are uncomfortable. I am thinking about going with more but lighter weights to distribute the load around my entire waist as opposed to some at my front, sides, and back. I use a rubber belt which I like very much. I would like to know what different folks are using and how they are setting up. Octo is currently weighting for neutral at 60f while I am set up for neutral at about 35f. It makes sense to me to do the work when I am flush with oxygen but I find that I am burning it faster getting down than coming up; which makes no sense to me. Any ideas on what I am doing wrong or not doing? Finally, has anyone used wrist and ankle weights? Angus