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Weymouth Rules and Regulations

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Stevie T

Well-Known Member
Jan 27, 2003
Hi Guys,

As we now seem to have quite a number of fellow Weymouth and Portland spearos on here I thought that someone might be able to enlighten me on the local do's and don'ts.

For instance, if you go spear fishing at Newtons Cove, do you park at the main Carpark behind Brewers Quay and then walk with gun and all past the housing estate and down to the cove? If so has anyone been stopped walking the streets with spearo stuff under their arms????

Likewise, there are a few other places I would like to try around the Harbours but would also need to park in very public places and walk along with the gear, now I'm not shy but just concerned that the local bobby might not be best pleased? :ban


Nice to hear from another local spearo Steve.I parked in the car park next to the new flats at Newton's cove,got changed in the car park and went into the water.No one battered an eye lid i guess they are all used to it by now.In all the years i've been spearfishing no one has ever mentioned it,not even when we used to get on the bus as youngsters or walked passed the prisons on our way to the beach.As long as we behave and act responsibly we'll be alright. :thankyou
yep, agree with Glowworm... you should be fine. The other option is to park in Castle cove road and walk along the beach, or swim to the first arm.... cheers Clive.
Allways used the car park by flats but have tried to be a bit discrete so as not to wind up the holiday makers. As for the Portland Harbour Breakwaters be aware you now need a licence to spearfish in the harbour or off the walls and then you are restricted to certain very small and unproductive areas, don't be suprised if you get a visit from the Harbourmaster (fun police), think the licence is about £30, but you have to give your name address etc so it is a double edged sword as they then know who you are!
Be aware of mothers with kids rock pooling as apparently the kids are an endangered species with a minimum size of 40kgs.
Opps forgot to say, worth wearing a blob in newtons cove as speed boaters try to use you as a ramp even though the reefs have accounted for at least two stern drves last season, same applies in harbour with the added danger of sailing vessels which are bloody quiet in the water!
I walk all the way through Exeter High Street when going fishing and later on through an other high street with all my gear and gun. Once I walked right infront of a cop across zebra crossing, holding my 110cm gun. an other time I walked along two cops through Budleigh town having all my gear with me.. the only time people stop or are interested is when you have a big fish with you hanging from your spear.. (last year, felt like I was a circus or something with my catch..)
Only place where people have been worried about my gear if in crowded bus, where my gun is bit too close to someones face...:)

Pekka, even airport was fairly easy, just odd looks, when carrying a long tube with handle and a trigger..;)

Safe fishing to you all...

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