I have read in many articles of the "lost secrets" of ancients free divers who could hold their breath for very long, without a specific breathing technique, to collect sponges, pearls or others. The same theory of possibly unknown factors of breath hold capacity exist about sea-gypsies.
In a way, I wouldn't be surprised that much progress and discoveries are ahead of us in freediving, the introduction of meditation by Jacques Mayol was a fantastic leap forward, there is potentially other leaps that will reveal our full capacity.
Thinking out of the box, what do you think could be the other directions we could explore, or do better, to radically expand our free diving abilities?
In a way, I wouldn't be surprised that much progress and discoveries are ahead of us in freediving, the introduction of meditation by Jacques Mayol was a fantastic leap forward, there is potentially other leaps that will reveal our full capacity.
Thinking out of the box, what do you think could be the other directions we could explore, or do better, to radically expand our free diving abilities?