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What do you shoot and why...

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i personally wouldnt shoot a shark, wrasse, sunfish, smooth hound, dogfish, rockling or scad, but anything that is legal and sizeable is fair game as long as i can (or another family member) can and will eat it. on a side note, i personally think new spearos are mis guided as to the minimum size of fish they can shoot, mainly because of the size of the fish sold in supermarkets. i know most of these are farmed but ive often walked past and thaught surely that bass is below the minimum size, and that i would never shoot something "that small".

just my 2p worth
I see alot of "Spearos" coming out of the water with undersized fish, but they are nearly always just "guys with guns" tourists who have bought spearguns because they think it's cool.

Every "real" Spearo I've ever met seems to be pretty ethical.

I usually try and use recommended sizes rather than legal sizes , which are usually a little bigger, say 45cm for Bass?

Yea I didn't really think about that. Fair comment
Also you can get foreign people who mistakenly shoot undersized fish because they assume the size limits are the same as the country they come from!
Some times these same people shoot fish we consider inedible but are in fact quite acceptable in their country to eat!
I saw a tv program a few months ago, that was following crab fishermen in America. The fishermen had been struggling to catch crabs at well known crab spots and couldn't work out why when they pulled in the pots they were totally empty bait included. They then put a camera into the pots. It turned out a few octopus had discovered how to get into the pots and eat the trapped crabs, but then they discovered the octopus had worked out it could use its tentacles to hold open the entrance to the pot an then squeeze and elongate its body to fit back through the entrance to the pot.
And then there's this... [ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=urkC8pLMbh4]Mystery - Sharks Missing at Seattle Aquarium - YouTube[/ame]
No not nice at all. Here we all are worrying about sharks when these guys treat them as a tasty snack.

So...perhaps we should be more worried about killer octopuses than cuddly mako sharks?
Really interesting thread, enjoyed reading through this one. Been a while since I last got wet, in general though, I only catch lobster bass, bream or flats in self defence, in me or them situations.......

In reality though I will take bass, mullet, bream, plaice, sole, mackerel, pollock, clams, scalops, razorfish, cuttlefish, lobster. All of which are taken in moderation, i.e enough for the meal that evening, and limited to 'table sized' specimens. I've had a double figure bass and it was great, same with a lobbie, but one of each that size was enough. Anything that reaches that size/age in my mind deserves a little extr respect so I have a camera for them now, not a spear or a keep net.

Wrass I don't bother with on the basis that anything that placid dosen't deserve to get shot when there are other schooling white fish alternatives available.

I understand the point made about cuttlefish/octopi, unfortunately they taste f**kin great in tempura with sweet chili sauce. I only take a couple of cuttles a year, I kill them as quickly as possible, appreciate them greatly, and waste as little as possible.

great thread.
Bet the divers/cleaners who get into the tank refused after they saw that
Sickening. What's he trying to do, eradicate them?

Anyone would think he's collecting for the whole country. I think he is no better than a trawler, and it gives us all a bad name.

Pure greed:naughty:naughty
It can be a culture issue...seen this in France too....and on the forum.

Even had a row with my French beau Pere due to unnecessary 'hoovering' of the sea bed in one of our spots. Needless to say they went back. Think it was a case of utter disbelief at the amount we have here, compared to France. There's a simple answer as to why that is.
Entent Cordiale was restored.
To add a bit of a revival to an outstanding thread (respect padaxes)... there is currently an interesting ethical scenario emerging with excessive populations of Deer in the UK?
It would appear that the current level of land owner/caretaker culling cannot adequately deal with the problem?
So the ethical question is would I/you take up shooting Deer if it was made legal\acceptable with say a crossbow or bow... even if I/you were a pescetarian?

Personally I don't think I would but I know I would defend anyone who did, especially if he dispatched the animal quickly and with expertise (& gratitude of course) and also invited me round for dinner occasionally?

What about you?
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