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What is Apnea

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New Member
May 10, 2002
Hello everyone,
Could somebody please tell me what Apnea is?
~ Nicky :cool:
straight from the online medical dictionary

<clinical sign> Cessation of breathing.

apnea is what happens when you hold your breath, i think i read different times in a few textbooks at school (ie. apnea, cessation of breathing >15sec. i think i have also read >12 seconds)

basicaly apnea is just holding your breath
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But it sounds cool when you say it. "Breath hold" or "holding your breath" is so mundane. "Apnea" is exotic and people ask "what's THAT?" in excited tones.


breath 5000 times per day, that's life
hold your breath, that's apnea, that's living

Nicely put, Bill!
Apnea comes from Greek (a-without, pnea-air, breath)
In this part of the world "apnea" is a term for the sport of freediving. Italians say "apnea profonda" for constant weight or "apnea statica" for static.
hey guys,
the other day the but of my gun hit me in the jaw and nearly broke it,
when you're finished laughing could you tell me whether it is better to go in as far as i can and risk scaring the fish or shoot from a distance and risk loosing it?
Nicky :cool:
shot = eat

the basic rule is shot what you eat and eat what you shot. If you're not sure you're gonna be able to kill it, do not shoot. When you begin, it also help a lot to have a trident spear tip. What kind of gun do you use anyway? Can you put a second rubber on it so you'll have more penetration power ( no comments ) ?

Try practiving shooting with your gun 4 or 5 times everytime you start hunting, that will help you with your aim and let your body start the diving reflex. A piece of algae, shell in the sand or piece of wood will do it as a target.

Anyway, we always get better at what we do if we do it a lot. That's why you should try to approach the fish, or better let it approach you. Fish are very curious creature, they will come to you if you stay motionless, or do anything that will catch theyr attention. Croaking throat sound for instance, or rubbing the gun butt against the rocks etc... It's like a french accent in a bar, it awaken the curiosity of the creatures and they come closer so they're easier to shot and you get more :D

P.S. i almost forgot ha aha aha haha h aha h a h a! gun in the jaw...not RAD! :duh
Mr Frenchman,
I use a small Picasso (however you spell it) with just the one rubber - I have heaps of trouble loading it too - it takes me ages and I look like the biggest clutz (not desirable when you want to make a good impression for a new boaty to make sure that he calls you again for another dive in the future!) Oh yeah, what is a trident tip?
I sometimes dive down and rub two rocks together to attract fish - this works well for me.
~ Nicky
Oh yeah - I lost that fish :vangry :waterwork

you'll have to inquire at scubaland if that spear fit your picasso gun, but check this one out http://www.scubaland.fr/index.php3?voir=P669101 or check out the "Speargun - spares" category for a lot of fun stuff to kill more. The "Guided charging system" from
Sporasub could work well for you too.

One very good tip to help you charge your gun comes from SASpearo. He put a climber's webbing to the gun, so he charche it with is feet. see "RA Spearguns + PNG " in freedive hunting.

If you want to make shure you'll be invited again on a boat, here's a french advice, try a monokini. :D
Mr Frenchman,
What on earth is a "monokini"?!
Or here's a better question, do I want to know what it is?
~Nicky (thanks for the help)
Mono = 1

Hi there,
a monokini is like a bikini but without the top. Very fashion on the beach here. :D It comes in standard or g-string version, if you want to be more.... hydrodynamic :hmm
thanks for that Mr. Franchman - I saw that in the france section of "Endless Summer Two" (movie made about 1996 - my favourite) have you seen it?
I think I'll give it a miss though :eek:
I'm likely to get :ko by my brother. :D
In god's hand

i haven't seen Endless summer 1 or 2. The only surf movie i saw was "In god's hand". Very good movie, but no monokini in that one. Why your brother would bother anyway, i didn't know you kept it in the family down under :D rofl

Btw, there's not much monokini around where i live (Britanny, north west part of France) we get more of them in the southern part, more wine, hot water, nice beaches, good vis, bigger fish etc etc also.

What are the diving condition around your place? Depth, vis, tide, marine life etc...etc... Here in Britanny we have 15' vs, 30-50' deep average near coast and a tide that can reach 12m difference in 6 hours... That make for strong current, with water temp round 4C in winter and 16C max in summer. The marine life is VERY abondant but, mostly all small fishes.
You rude bugger - we DO NOT keep it in the family in Australia....we just dive together. :yack gross ( but it did make me laugh :D )
Well the vis can be very good - up to 40 m on a very good day ( ususally in summer ), some excellent marine life in places but there are other parts hich can pretty dull. But when you find the right place there are some humungous ( spelling? ) fish which are great eating. Depth ranges from a few metres on shore to well, nobody knows, there are places where nobody has seen the bottom. That is real scary - I do't dive there unless I have to. The tides are reasonably normal - so no strong currents, do you guys usually dive onshore over there? We have lots of islands over here...quite pretty.
Good temps about 7 - 8c in winter (min) to 28c summer(max) you must get very cold over there - I don't know how you do it.
You have to go see Endless summer two out ok - it is the BEST movie!!
hi nicky

im from north queensland Great Barrier Reef, this year the reef is not so great the water temp got up to 33 degrees which was good for us but totally wrecked heaps of coral its winter now and the water temp is around 25 to 26 degrees to cold for me to get in the pool.


when i hear about 28 and even 33 degree water... i'm drooling. Here in Britanny, it's not the cold that bothers me, it's the temperature. The sky stays grey all winter, very depressing. I'm a french canadian, i've dive under ice in winter in a 6.5mm wetsuit and here, i use my 3mm Beuchat wet suit all year round. I really think that people that comes from cold places have a better insulation system, or maybe we're just tuffer (or crazier) :D

I guess you have to have a couple of loose screws to live in places with -30C winters.:duh

I've had plan to go to Australia and they're not dead yet, just of matter of time...and monay (money) :D

Has for the movie, i promise to see it some day, but i dont have many hope to find it in english here in France, if somebody have a Divx on a ftp somewhere, feel free to mail me....:D
Diving under ice - are you carzy??!!:duh Besides what can you see under there anyway? I could never do that.
I've always wanted to dive up at the great barrier - is it pretty Ivan? Are there heaps of fish? And are you serious that it is too cold to get in the water at 28C? Wow. I think I'll move there!:D Do you dive off the islands or off the shore?
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