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What Length gun?

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AKA Not So Newbie Anymore
Jan 28, 2008
Hi All,

I'm about to purchase a Rob Allen Caranx, not sure exactly what size to get it in. I suppose I could buy 2 guns due to the fact that I'm getting them in South Africa and due to the exchange rate. I'll mostly be hunting reefs around small islands but may have some open water if I feel the urge. I doubt I'd be going down further than 20m or 60ft as I'm just starting out and I'd say on average I'll be diving 3-10m or 9-30ft.

Any advice would be appreciated
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What sized guns have you previously owned? Generally a gun over 100CM would be ideal, but many factors can affect this. like loading problems with an over sized gun. What good is having something that can not be used? Get a gun that feels comfortable and be realistic about your choise.

I seen videos ouf Ausi speros using RA & Rabis over 110CM + during their reefs dives.

I have a Caranx but you may also consider a Tuna that comes with a slighter thicker shaft!

Good Luck on you selection !
Reactions: spaghetti
I am a total Newbie, hence the name. I've spent the last month and a half just reading about stuff and finding out what are quality products and what are not, trying to do my research before I plunge straight in, no pun intended I have never owned a gun of any sort but I don't think I'll have too much trouble loading a gun. I'm pretty tall and train quite a bit - gym wise that is. Strength I'm hoping shouldn't be a factor, just gotta get the technique right. I was looking at a 1.1m or 1.2m not sure what the tuna costs but I'll find out, may be worth getting both.
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Fantastic Info, thanks, has help me make my decision. Looking at about 110cm Caranx with 1x20mm band and 7mm spear, and a Tuna at around 140cm with 2x16mm bands and 7.5mm spear. Thanks for the info, looks like I'm going to sell an arm and a leg to pay for some spearguns. :crutch
If I were you I would wait before buying a 140.
These long guns are not only hard to load, but also quite difficult to handle, swing, aim and move around in general.
Even a 110 will give you a hard time as your first gun.
Out of my chest: Do you really need such a long one? A shorter 90cm will not have the power and range for very big fish in very clear water, but for sure it'd be more handy and practical to start with while you're still learning the basic technique.
Anyway, just be patient and don't loose your temper after the initial difficulties.
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Hi Spaghetti,

I realise the 140cm would be rather difficult to handle first up, and I would be buying it more as an investment for when I do plan to go out into deeper water. My father is going back to south africa in a few weeks and guns over here are rather expensive. This would be the only reason I'd buy them both together, to save some money - I'm at uni and well everyone knows uni students are poor - :t. Possibly might get the caranx in the 1000mm, make it a little more versatile? Thanks for all the help guys, anyone else who might have any suggestions please fire away - I'm here to learn!

Reactions: spaghetti
i would say the 100 would be a good choice for most of your hunting and its a good size to start with..for blue water stuff maybe a 130
Perhaps you should look into a 100 mamba air gun, same length as a 90 band gun but with power & range of a twin band 120! Kill two fish with one spears - as I say.
Hey newbie spearo,

If I were you I would get the 90-100cm sparid(6.5mm shaft good for small fish and it would need a less powerful band)

I would get the 130 as a caranx

I have that gun in carbon and I have to say that I have better accuracy with it then my omer 115 cobra

Just my thoughts
I would not suggest starting with anything more than aroud a 90cm. That should take care of your needs for at least the first year or so, then you can got to a longer gun for clearer water and use the 90 when theres a little less visibility.
As far as a mamba gun goes, I have no idea what it is how it works or where to get one at a decent price. For all intents and purposes I'm trying to keep things as simple as possible, but save money by buying the 2 guns together. Was talking to a guy at work today who was saying the 130 is a good all round gun so I might go with that in the tuna, and get a 100 in the caranx. Still I am open to suggestions and like I said I'm here to learn. I've spent the last 6 or so weeks just looking things up reading the forums and finding out what has worked for people and what hasn't. The first fish I catch I will post some pics, but don't hold your breath, it'll probably be a good few weeks before I can even get out for a dive.
There are two main types of speargun - band guns & air guns - both are popular & should be readily avalible to anyone.
With a air gun you push the spear down the barrel to compress a piston, very simple.
A mamba air gun is a factory custom air gun that also should be available to you, just order from the link.
Reason I'm set on the RA guns is because they are made in south africa and my dad will be going home to see some friends soon so he can pick one up fairly cheap compared to what I would pay for one over here in Aus. Plus I don't have to worry about shipping as he'll bring it back on the plane with him. Trying to get anything in Aus is expensive due to our import taxes and shipping costs. The band guns just seem easier and less complicated and I don't think anything could compare to the cost.
You're a wise guy Newby.
As for a 130 being a good all rounder....bah!
The choice of a gun length and set up all depends on fish targeted and terrain (water, bottom, places you go).
I've never been there in Australia, but I assume as a universal concept that if you're targeting tuna and giant jacks as your main catch in open clear water, then a 130 is the way to go. While if you hunt reef fish on rocky/kelpy/coral/messy shallow bottoms, which is more likely to be for a beginner, then I bet my left side testicle that you'll fit much better with something way shorter.
My 2 eurocents
Reactions: bgill
what he said exactly..and my advice also ties in with that..
Haha thanks for that spaghetti, that's my reasoning behind getting the 2 guns. I plan on getting pretty heavily involved in spearfishing/freediving in the years to come. Like to think I could maybe one day hold a world record of some sort whether it be biggest fish caught or longest breath hold what ever, but I'm doing it mainly because of the feeling of being 50ft under with no tank. you get the pic, and I'm getting way off topic. Anyhoo thanks for all te input guys, it's been very valuable and you've help me make my decision.
Pneumatics are shorter and more powerful. You can use this type of gun for your reef hunting.
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