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What the H**L is this thing?

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Mud Puddle Diver
May 20, 2002
Hey I came across this pic. I want to know what it is, how effective is it and where do you get them?

Thanks for the help!

BladeRunner OUT
sorry forgot to attach the pic!


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Boat Float.

This style of float is large enough to support you weight comfortably and carry thing like food and drink. Some have a compartment for fish too.

No idea where you get this particular model from.:confused:
It doesn't have to be this model just would like to know where I can find any model really! I think this could useful when I really don't need to break out the sit on top to get to a distant dive location.

BladeRunner OUT
It's a rigid float from OMER.

It's rotationally molded, lay-on and hold to the frame screwed on to it type of thing. Good idea, similar to what I'm working on, but the bulk is a tad much for the trunk.
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My friend used to use his old body board(boogieboard). All he did was add a flag to it. Its bassically works the same way. Its works as a dive float letting people know where you are and at the same time takes you to your dive spot alot faster.
it does this by reducing the amount of drag you create in the water with your body being out of it. you just lye on top of it and start kicking.
peace out and dive safe
Thanks but my truck is fine. :hmm

I don't think it's designed so much for going over the kelp as it is just heading off a beach and toodling out to wherever. While it gets your head and chest up a bit, the waist looks like it'd drag and that's where you'd get all buggered up in the kelp. A boogie board type float would be better suited for the kelp, though if you want to send me one, Mark, I'll give it a shot! ;)
Mark Labocceta (did I spell that right?) is giving away free floats??

:wave put me on the list..:D . Boogie board eh..I have such a thing and my norprene floatline is attached to it, all homemade.

Sven what's beyond the kelp man!! (mysterious music in the background).:confused:
I prefer to see whats goin on underwater while swimming. May be in next model they add plastic lens beneath of it.
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The thing on the picture is what they call a "dive board".
Recently, CMAS made it obligatory for the competitors to use diveboards for international events where the local federation has troubles providing each spearo with a boat. It is expected that soon they will replace the boats completely.

Such diveboards however have been well known in Europe for ages. They are especially popular in France. It allows you to cover MUCH greater areas and carry extra spearguns, bands, shafts, etc. Besides - it's much safer than the usual buoy or float, cause u can rest on it without almost any effort to stay on top of the board. A reel on the tip allows you to very easily control the length of the floatline and I've seen some modifications that are autoimatically retracting the line, which is really good, cause the float is always on the top and you don't have to swim to it. (That's in case you don't have sharks though). You can also place a much longer dive flag pole and be visible from greater distances. All of those were hand-made though. Our spearos make them from broken surfboards...

Originally posted by Murat
May be in next model they add plastic lens beneath of it.
By the way Murat, there re models without plastic window, but with a hole so you can actually lay on top of the board and look down with your mask...
The model on the picture lloks very fancy, but I am not sure it is really appropriate... People are giving up the round buoys and floats cause they are not hydrodinamic and cause they are too tall - the strong wind and waves tend to pull you up from the bottom, which is not really good when you are trying to ambush the fish and even more - when you aim your gun... The OMER float seems too tall and too massive. The flat tip is not really hydrodynamic too... Besides, there is no way for the spearo to completely lay and rest on this board without constantly holding on to the rail. I hope the picture may be misleading...

P.S. I came across this photo by Didier Martin to give you an idea of the regular diveboards used in Europe. And you can read how to make two diveboards yourselves (if you know French) here :Freediverscafe


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Shaca & Wishbne,

Both of the boats are nice, i was thinking to buy bluwater float for next year if i had a chance to do some big fish hunting. May be Riffe Torpedo or OMER Master America will be a suitable but these Boat-Floats seems much more heavy duty. BTW do you knows how much lift power they have and any nice/cheap dealer in europe?
Cool float shaneshac, do you know whats it called or where I can get more info about it? I searched the sevylor website but I couldn't find it. Thanks!
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Originally posted by Kevin88
Cool float - whats it called - more info about it?

You can get the dive board for EUR 169 here . Dunno whether they sell to your location though.
The site also provides info about the product.

Murat, the boards are mainly for heavy duty hunting or competitions - if you plan to stay in the water for 4-6 hours or you want to cover wider areas. For a regular 1-hour hunt at a place you know I'd use a regular buoy/float. It's kind of a burden if you have to prepare the float every day, especially when you doin't have a trunk deep enough to carry the thing inflated. Mind you that dragging such object fully loaded with 2 guns and one pneumatic, spare shafts, water, torch and catch (I can come up with more) is not an easy task. You don't need this stuff every day. Besides, you must know that usually the spearos anchor the loaded diveboard to the bottom and hunt in proximity.

Originally posted by Wishbone
Besides, you must know that usually the spearos anchor the loaded diveboard to the bottom and hunt in proximity.


We use that in regular floats too. BTW is this dive board worth 169 euro? It seems totally inflatable, no wood or etc...
Originally posted by Murat
We use that in regular floats too.
Many spearos really do anchor their regular float, although I can't really see any valid reason to it. The two most common explainations are:
1) The line scares the fish and 2) It constantly gets entangled and I am afraid it may anchor me to the bottom. - yes - if you use regular bright colored line sometimes it does scare the fish (depends on the species - sometimes it attracts them). Try using those thin medical hoses (dunno the actual english name) they use for blood transfusion, etc. They are transparent, thin, very ellastic and if you seal both ends by melting them with a lighter you'd also have a floating line. It is also very had to entangle. Use 4-5 meters of thick fishing line to extend the float line and to clip it to your belt. Because the line is floating it also won't gent entangled around your legs. That solves all your problems and you won't need to anchor your flaot again.

BTW is this dive board worth 169 euro? It seems totally inflatable, no wood or etc...
Only the producer can tell you that, man. Having in mind the prices of raw neoprene in Asia I wouldn't say a wetsuit can ever cost 300 euro either, but what can I say... it's a hard knock life! :)

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