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What would you like O'three to stock?

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New Member
Jun 18, 2009
Hello Guys i know i dont post on this site as much as i should but here i am and have got a little favour to ask everyone out there.

O'Three are looking to extend their Spearfishing gear and we would like to have your input into which brand/brands you would like to see in your local spearfishing shop.

Any opinion's welcome.


Hi o3spearo, my 2 cents: I like Omer (Italian) gear - quite a large range & innovative - I think they own Sporasub now & use that for higher end products (more expensive anyway). Beuchat (french) seems well regarded. Rob Allen stuff (South Africa via European Spearfishing equipment) is heavy duty quality - suitable for bigger (foreign) fish. But Omer & RA already have UK distributors (Apnea & ESS), so perhaps Beuchat might be the better bet of the 3 for you?

There are some interesting railguns coming out of Taiwan, sold in the USA as mako, similar to the SA Rabitechs.

Omer have several spearguns that might interest UK spearos currently: super-light XXVs, cutting edge Cayman & the airbalete pneumatic (pricey but again, state-of-the-art). Excaliber perhaps as solid beginner gun?

Perhaps some of those smaller Italian companies that we only hear about occasionally over here might offer something new and interesting?
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It would be brilliant if you could stock Rob Allen gear. I think a distributor who really pushes RA gear could make a killing as ESS don't really seem in the business to make a huge profit as such, they just sell it as they can.

Do you have a website by an chance Mr O'three?
Reactions: winky and Broseidon
I don't think Mares has a UK dealer for their spearfishing gear ( correct me if wrong ) .
They make some fantastic stuff , and I'd love to see a showroom stocked with their products . An Omer stockist would be good in that part of the world too .
Speaking personally , when it comes to buying spearfishing gear , I am very gullible , and if you have a knowledgeable salesman , with a friendly attitude , I'll probably buy anything and everything in the shop .

Regards ,
Dave .
Reactions: foxfish
I second Devondave and Mr X, it would be great to see Omer available locally and their top of the market brand Sporasub. I would also like to see Mares spearfishing gear in the shop - I have one of their guns and I am very impressed with it.

The added bonus of having Mares spearfishing gear in the shop is they are also (as I'm sure you arew aware!) a large supplier of diving gear. Two birds one stone perhaps?


I'd like to be able to get my hands on gear more locally, so here's my tuppenceworth.

If you don't want to get too specialised with Rob Allen gear etc, and aim for a wider market then, generally speaking, Omer is a good, popular (and, some would say, better quality) alternative to Cressi. They have a good quality range of guns, suits, and fins (and their fins tend to have a wider foot pocket, which means that people who cannot fit into the narrower Cressi fins will be able to fit into the Omer fins (and they have a wider range of fins than Cressi too, with different stiffness to suit different people/conditions, compared to Cressi). So Omer is probably one of the the main, and better, alternatives to Cressi (and one of the most well known).

Dive Hunters, such as the Sevylor Dive Hunter SDB120, are very popular with a lot of people. As is the Princeton Tec LED Shockwave dive torch (you need to be very specific about that though); Suunto D4 dive watch (has a free dive mode on it, which is considered very useful by many, but is expensive, so if you can source a cheaper freediving watch then happy days). Many people are buying dive cameras, such as the Go Pro series - and there is much debate at the moment about which is the best route to go down with these. Neoprene under vests (and even shorts) are very handy at this time of the year and early season. It's not alway easy to source nice hydrodynamic winders either, for your float line.

Apart from that, I have trouble getting my hands on decent consumables at short notice, such as neoprene socks of varying thicknesses up to 7mm (Seac do well fitting warm ones, but they always wear through on the soles very quickly, which isn't very jolly at this time of year) as well as decent warm gloves suitable for spearfishing at this time of year (Mares do a 5mm Tri-Glove, with 3mm on the palms for dexterity, and wrist seals, which are great for spearfishing - I find the cressi gloves fall to peices very quickly).

I find drop weights very useful (attached to your float line, they clip/tuck into your belt, and can be 'dropped' to anchor your float to the bottom whilst you do something else). I seem to be losing a lot of Stringers/fish keeps lately as well.

Hope that gives some extra ideas,

If I think of anything else I'll let you know.

Without going into brand names there are a few replaceable essentials that are tricky to obtain in the UK - bulk rubber in 14 16 18 & 20mm, shark fin spears, dynema in 1 2 3 & 4 mm, socks & gloves.
my 2 pence worth - Elios suits and Beuchat kit.....and a nice hot shower!
Clive Thomas....
How about C4 stuff there guns would look good on any shop wall
Posted via Mobile Device
Without going into brand names there are a few replaceable essentials that are tricky to obtain in the UK - bulk rubber in 14 16 18 & 20mm, shark fin spears, dynema in 1 2 3 & 4 mm, socks & gloves.

I second that.

If you do a search on this site you will see many people asking "were to get RA gear in the uk" Also alot of divers have never had a physical look at one of the guns. If would be grate to be able to go to a shop and have a look at there stuff. I think a lot more uk spearos would go for RA if they could see them in person.

Seatec would be grate to.

And also a grater choice on carbon fins

Thanks guys for giving us a chance to tell you what we want.

Oh also we love any kind on friendly get together/ meet/ comp/ ect
Hot shower could be a possibility now!

If they are considering a shower, then maybe they could consider a little stall selling hot drinks and snacks (or at least a vending machine with hot chocolate/soup). If I was there using the showering facilities, then I would definitely buy something to eat and drink as well.

Apart from that, Beauchat is another line of gear that they probably wouldn't have too much trouble getting their hands on, if they wanted to (and is popular with a lot of people).
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So . . . in answer to O' three's question - we want them to stock every piece of gear ever made by every manufacturer in the world ever .
Plus nice hot showers with hot chocolate on tap and a little cafe for post dive nibbles .
In a similar vein , why not a bar for that thirst quenching cold pint on hot summers day , followed by a Balinese massage to soothe away those aches and pains you're sure to get from a day of slaying the radio-controlled bass directed to the point of your spear . Oh yeah , and couple of top lingerie models to help you out of your suit would be nice too . Simples .

I think the shower and some more brands of spearfishing gear would be more than enough to see us all happy!

And a tank of mixed species fish for those days when you promised your missus fish for tea!
I think the shower and some more brands of spearfishing gear would be more than enough to see us all happy!

C'mon Tunny , if we aim for the stars we might hit the moon . :friday
( It's time for my medication soon , then I'll calm down and stop writing stupid posts . )
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