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What would you like O'three to stock?

Thread Status: Hello , There was no answer in this thread for more than 60 days.
It can take a long time to get an up-to-date response or contact with relevant users.
Well i can confirm that the Hot Chocolate is of a class that's more than exceptable
Hi Othreespearo,

I hear on the grapevine that talks have started with the Omer reps?????

Any news to report or are they still being a touch elusive.

Omer and Cressi would make an awesome combination of gear, that would about cover all our spearing needs...


oh and thanks for letting us use your facilities the other day!!
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Hopefully that's not business sensitive information. :mute

Either way, hopefully it's true.

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I wouldn't have thought so, I was told by shaun. I'm sure if it was sensative he would have kept it secret.
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Reactions: Gaz D

Hi DafyddRees,

website is othree.co.uk

I bought a cressi 5mm wetsuit of their shelf last year - wore it for five hours (in the sea) yesterday & didn't get cold.
Posted via Mobile Device
Any news on this outdoor shower for the smelly Spearo's amongst us - yes I am one of them!


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