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When does the season end? (UK)

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Tom Arnold
Oct 11, 2002
How late in the year do you spear bass, mullet, pollack, etc.? I've been in as early as March and had a few fish, but never tried any later than late October. Is there much point in going in during the colder months (November - February) or is it best to pack up the kit and dream the time away until March?
Tom I spear all year mate, but if its only Bass and the likes that you’re after then yes carry on until at least the end of November, after that its flatfish time.:)
Yep all year here as well... although perhaps not as frequent...
Bass are around all year but get very scarce from December.
Hey Tom

Some of the spots I dive have fish till early January. Ive had both bass and mullet mid January but by February is goes quiet picking up again at the end of march when flyflicker will spear a bass sounding the start of the season :)
Just as long as we dont get hit by early winter weather. big swells and harsh southerlies ruins the viz

this is a video from December 09 on the hunt for rays
[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3hveTWZ7Nxo&feature=channel_video_title]Spearfishing Thornback - YouTube[/ame]

and one from boxing day the year before
[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XejZBXsvens&feature=channel_video_title]boxingday Spearfishing - YouTube[/ame]

and then mullet in January this year :)

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1MWRgIFnJh8]night dive- mullet - YouTube[/ame]
Excellent videos! Glad to hear that the season doesn't have to end. So here's the next very important question - is it possible to stay warm using my 5mm suit with a 3mm vest underneath? Or is a 7mm suit the only way?
cheers, ive not used the camera much this year, might have to dig it out the box :)

5mm will be fine mate . it helps if you keep your suit clean and dry when you not using it, instead of in a stinking wet puddle in the back of the car as it stays warmer for longer. last winter I had a van so could climb in the back and get changed away from the bitter wind and rain but if thats not an option you could always get waterproof seat covers for the car for short journeys.

I buy new socks and gloves when the water drops to 10c to help keep warm. A bottle of hot water helps to get out of the suit and a hot drink like coffee or soup will warm the insides ready for the drive home. :)
Excellent advice, thanks. Like I said before, I've been in the water in early March most years and as far as I know that's when the water's at its coldest - around 6 or 7 degrees or thereabouts. And my 5mm suit has been alright for an hour or two at that time of year so I guess it should be fine in midwinter too.
I think I'll have to invest in a decent waterproof cover for my car seat so that I can do all my changing at home.

By the way Scott, what torch were you using on the night dive video? I'm looking at getting a new one to extend my diving options this winter...
I buy new socks and gloves when the water drops to 10c to help keep warm. A bottle of hot water helps to get out of the suit and a hot drink like coffee or soup will warm the insides ready for the drive home. :)

Great reply from Scott... man some of those vids and your reports encouraged me to continue with winter diving and spear a bass in early March!! Shame you don't post your vids and reports anymore :(

But to respectfully add to Scott's reply...I also find a suitable layer of fat helps during these cold water sessions...

I usually lay of my cardio sessions and increase the protein / fatty foods for this exact reason starting mid december to early Jan (nothing to do with Xmas I swear ;) )

Then the cold forces your body to burn up these excess calories faster and I'm back to my supermodel trim figure come April (this also may be atiny exaggeration... ;) )

But in seriousness ;) I have a 5mm suit with longjohns at 3mm. so I have 8mm on the chest during the summer. I also bought another 3mm vest to go between these... it restricts motion but gives me another 20-30minutes in the water. Now I just find my fingers and toes go.

I have 5mm gloves but they are not great and I get awful cramps from them. I was thinking about getting open cell gloves to try this season. My 4mm open cell socks seem to do for about 1.5hrs also and I am tempted to add a normal pair of socks over these again!.
Its a beaver plasma led LIGHT Beaver Plasma LED - Divernet

Its a nice torch with a very concentrated beam to pierce through the bad viz and is rechargable so once you've paid for the torch thats it!!!

There are much brighter torches out there but im happy with it. One thing I do love about the torch is that the handle has pre drilled holes for mounting it to arms and so on.
Tom - it's unlikely there will be much vis in the winter at your local spot (it is also my local spot) so you would be best sticking around Portland or going over the border(s) to raid Mr Wilsons back yard!...
Ive put a 15ft wall around my backyard to keep you ruffians off my reefs roflroflroflrofl

I dont see me getting much diving in after November this year. The lovely Mrs Wilson is expecting our first and he's due on the 18th so fatherly duties will kick in shortly afterwards :p
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Excellent, I'll come and raid your reefs while you're changing nappies then!

Enjoy your fatherly duties - I have a 2-and-a-half-year-old and a 6-month-old and they keep me busy and very happy. Nothing quite like it.

I manage to dive and still do all my fatherly duties by going out really early, like 3 or 4am and then returning by 7am when everybody's waking up.

My older daughter can now tell the difference between bass, mullet, and pollack, and she LOVES fish!
cheers guys I cant wait to be honest.
Ive shown the wife the above posts and will refer to them in the near future when she's screaming and throwing pans at me while I run down the driveway dive gear in tow roflroflrofl

The bay holds a bit of viz in the stongest of winds but if its an easterly forget it. Drop me a pm if you down this way during winter and I will hopefully be able to point you in the direction of a feed :)
I have a 5mm suit with longjohns at 3mm. so I have 8mm on the chest during the summer. I also bought another 3mm vest to go between these... it restricts motion but gives me another 20-30minutes in the water. Now I just find my fingers and toes go.

I have 5mm gloves but they are not great and I get awful cramps from them. I was thinking about getting open cell gloves to try this season. My 4mm open cell socks seem to do for about 1.5hrs also and I am tempted to add a normal pair of socks over these again!.

Ahhh...winter diving. I love it.
I don't make too many changes to my kit for winter. I'll buy new booties that are about 1mm thicker, and swap my tropical gloves for some 2mm neoprene ones. I use my standard 5mm spearo suit, and start to feel the cold after about one and a half hours. I've got a foam exercise mat to stand on whilst getting changed, and two 2ltr bottles of hot water. One to get in, and one to get out. Also, I take a big thermos of hot Ribeana. Its amazing stuff for the post dive drink.

If you can get some seat covers, then do it. It's much, much better getting changed in a hot soapy shower, than next to a dark beach in -4 with snow settling around you.:duh.

We mostly night dive during the winter. The cold kills off the alge in the water, and the viz clears alot faster than in the summer. On a January night, it can be like crystal out there. The flounders come in, and you generally see more life at night. Plus, it gets dark at 5pm, so you can have a great dive and be home by 8pm. During the day, with the kelp gone, its a good time to check out new lobster holes, and other areas that are normally covered with weed.
Ooh, this almost makes me look forward to winter!

Almost being the operative word.
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The funniest thing is the look people give you as they walk by when you get out of the water on a freezing day. It's a mixture of amazement, concern and pity :).
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Mostly concern and pity when they see me getting out, concern that there’s a mad fat bloke with a big sharp metal stick coming up the beach at them and then pity after they realise that I’m doing this in the middle of winter just for the pleasure of it.:confused::confused:rofl
just noticed this thread. brill ideas across the board. this year has been great for winter dives. still loads of siver fish out. i am a whimp with me making myself a 7mm jacket . still have 5mm longjons but use 7mm socks that i made myself and 5mm open cell gloves. i can last about 4 hours but it is still mild. saying that i am only 9 stone so no fat on me at all no matter wot i eat. that much so wen viz is bad i train breath hold in swimming pool . i can stay on the bottom and walk at 3.5m deep with no weight. i dont float at all!! oh scott show the mrs this post as this is what i do. new babys carry stress big time!!! after baby is in bed get a dive or 2 in a week as it chils u out from the stress of the world. night feeds and screaming babys r so easy after a dive. say this and your on to a winner!! it works for me and i dive on av 3 times a week 4 if the mrs want something:):):)
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