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Which torch for spearfishing

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New Member
Sep 23, 2020
I am a new start to spearfishing. And I want to invest a good spearfishing torch. There are three types I like. Which one I should choose?

No.1- 590lm and 1000lm, rotary switch (one hand can turn on/off), waterproof 50m, 1x 18650 battery.
No.2- 60/200/600/1100lm, press switch, waterproof 100m, 1x 26650/18650 battery.
No.3- White/Red/Blue/UV light, max 1600lm, beam 50m, press switch, watchproof 100m, 1x 26650/18650 battery.

Yeah, you guessed it, the price is 1<2<3. Do I need to get a torch with different light colors? It looks cool. And which lumens are proper?
I love my orcatorch d520. It is the second underwater light i have had, the first one a huge 8D cell pelican light that is still working actually. Tthe one big problem is it needs a press button toggle for spearfishing. It is a rotary switch so it needs two hands to turn on, which is not ideal for spearfishing. But, i have been getting better at "turning" it on with one hand. I bought it for lobster diving.

I would get the orcatorch d530 if i was you... it has the switch for spearfishing and i personally think they are the best underwater lights for the money.
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I got a cheap rechargeable LED torch from an Amazon seller, probably from HK or China. I think it was under £20 inc. bsttery and charger but it might have been just over £20 (£16-£24-ish?). The models available keep changing. It works very well. The battery holds a charge really well, for 6-12months or more!

I read in the Amazon reviews that a couple of divers lost this torch because the inadequate, weak wrist lanyard failed. It looks very weak. I replaced mine with a bigger, tougher homemade lanyard using thicker braid (from Omer I think) and some spare silicone tubing. :)

Think how you will use the torch. I got the brightest one I could at the price - lots of light, that what I want! I think a fairly focused beam makes sense, so that you can look into caves and gulleys. Don't need 50m range, I've never been able to see that far underwater! 5m is more like it. Depth, depends how deep you plan to spear with a torch. 10m might not be enough but 30m should be fine for most spearos. A few go deeper, for example for grouper, 50m depth rating should cover it.

Different colours? Interesting, perhaps some colours won't spook fish/lobster ? Red light gets absorbed sooner underwater than the higher energy blue end of the spectrum.
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I got a cheap rechargeable LED torch from an Amazon seller, probably from HK or China. I think it was under £20 inc. bsttery and charger but it might have been just over £20 (£16-£24-ish?). The models available keep changing. It works very well. The battery holds a charge really well, for 6-12months or more!

I read in the Amazon reviews that a couple of divers lost this torch because the inadequate, weak wrist lanyard failed. It looks very weak. I replaced mine with a bigger, tougher homemade lanyard using thicker braid (from Omer I think) and some spare silicone tubing. :)

Think how you will use the torch. I got the brightest one I could at the price - lots of light, that what I want! I think a fairly focused beam makes sense, so that you can look into caves and gulleys. Don't need 50m range, I've never been able to see that far underwater! 5m is more like it. Depth, depends how deep you plan to spear with a torch. 10m might not be enough but 30m should be fine for most spearos. A few go deeper, for example for grouper, 50m depth rating should cover it.

Different colours? Interesting, perhaps some colours won't spook fish/lobster ? Red light gets absorbed sooner underwater than the higher energy blue end of the spectrum.
Your answer is really helpful. Thank you very much. I just found there are cold white and warm white light colors for the same dive torch. I am wondering which light is better.
For bulbs around my home I go for warmer looking (more yellow) bulbs. But for my garage workshop and our utility room I find that the colder looking blue light makes it easier to see and find things. For spearfishing, given a choice I'd go for the colder looking, bluer, higher K option. But I wouldn't be too concerned about it, both cover a broad spectrum of colours. Lumens is what I look for.
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For spearfishing and looking into dark holes, a focused beam is very beneficial. It may also be desirable to select a light that has the option of being hand held, mounted in a "glove" mount or mounted directly to the barrel of the gun.
If interested, check out MAKO Spearguns to see our lights, we have a few all of which have shown themselves to be reliable and robust.
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