Bill, as far as I know, was born and raised in Toronto. For reasons unknown to me, he turned his back on our land of ice and snow and year round freezing waters, and moved to California. The wonderful west coast waters must've still been too cold, because he now resides in Hawaii, as I said, for reasons that are still vauge at best...
The towel I'm sure is because Canadian skin gets sunburnt in about 3.5 seconds in the beautiful Hawaiian sunshine!!
Of course I wish Bill all the best in the strange place that he now calls home. I mean, can you imagine a whole year without having to struggle into a 7mm suit and push the ice out of the way to go diving?? I'm sure he misses it... but he's made his choice!!
Bill, keep it up man! You're an inspiration to all of us, not only with your diving, but in giving hope that there may one day be a warmer life in store for those of us that are just starting to thaw out from yet another winter!
The towel I'm sure is because Canadian skin gets sunburnt in about 3.5 seconds in the beautiful Hawaiian sunshine!!
Of course I wish Bill all the best in the strange place that he now calls home. I mean, can you imagine a whole year without having to struggle into a 7mm suit and push the ice out of the way to go diving?? I'm sure he misses it... but he's made his choice!!
Bill, keep it up man! You're an inspiration to all of us, not only with your diving, but in giving hope that there may one day be a warmer life in store for those of us that are just starting to thaw out from yet another winter!