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Who Smokes & Freedives/Spearfish

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Who Smokes & How Does it effect u??

  • Smoke Heavly

    Votes: 7 14.9%
  • Ex Smoker

    Votes: 13 27.7%
  • Non Smoker

    Votes: 10 21.3%
  • Antii Smoker

    Votes: 17 36.2%

  • Total voters


New Member
Jun 17, 2003
Just Wondering if many of us smoke & free dive, & How it effects them?
Never smoked, never start smoking either

I always see a lot of scuba divers go for their cigarettes after a dive, it looks like that urge is not that big with freedivers, but curious too how many do smoke.
gave up years ago, but recall that while it did not seem to be too much of a "handicap" in terms of breathhold, i certainly got fedup with clogged sinuses etc. Now on a good day, i can equalize handsfree ... . I think I would find it very hard to stay motivated, knowing that I'm undoing the good of a trainingsession by having a fag afterwards. But this is my personal conclusion - many smokers are far better freedivers than me!
I Schmoke ...

And I really don't like it - the main reason being black-outs. You tend not to get any warning of an impending blackout / samba if you smoke .... so I ALWAYS cut my dives short. And, yeah well, it sucks.
I smoked from age 15 until 29, then quit cold turkey!
I haven't touched one since, but still miss it sometimes :(
It's been 11 years since I had a smoke, and I can do some fairly decent breath-holds now. I don't begrudge anyone their right to smoke, but I know my life improved dramatically when I quit. Today's always a good day!
Erik Y.
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I smoked from 17 to 22 when I stopped 2 months ago when I seriously took on freediving.

It was the best thing I've ever done.

I now hate smoke. I hate it when people light up cigaretts indoors, on the street walking ahead of me, etc. I had no idea how bad it is for your self and specially others.

Thank you freediving!


I dont smoke but im always hanging around at partys with everyone else who does smoke. Its kinda hard to avoid but after a night out hanging with heavy smokers I often have a sore throat the next day most likely from all the smoke I breath in. guess the amount of passive smoking I do is just like having a few anyways :(

I Stoped when i started training & just latly have started again due to some stress I ve notice quite a difference with my diving more of a phsycological effect though just knowing ive got it in my systm makes me more tence whilst diving. I wish i never started in the first place:duh
Originally posted by Nath
I Stoped when i started training & just latly have started again due to some stress I ve notice quite a difference with my diving more of a phsycological effect though just knowing ive got it in my systm makes me more tence whilst diving. I wish i never started in the first place:duh


When Im stressed I generally just do the tuff guy thing and punch walls :D

i smoke, and i am sucker for a cancer stick.

but to the core.
im too @#$@#$ useless to stop.

i am always planning on stopping,
but i never get there.

i do smoke almost nothing a month or so before a compi,
but after that i chain again !

i would really like to see how my diving improves
after stopping them cigs... for good.

....im planning again on stopping,
in a month or 2, and REALLY give it a good
go this time.

to smokers I give you hope: Enzo Maiorca was a smoker, he just stopped one month before each world record attempt:hmm

cigaret is not fair, u can smoke for years and have still clean lungs if you're a lucky guy...
Im a smoker, for about a year now. I love it. It calmes me down, it just feels so relaxing, its fun, it makes me feel so good. The best is after a few coctails, nothing beats a good smoke or 2.
I have never been a freediver until very recently, now that I have a new love for spearfishing.
I dont think the smoking holds me back on anything. For example, I occasionally dive with some world class spearfishing people, and I can dive deeper/longer than them. But they allways kill the bigest fish, and Im lucky to even see one.
The only thing I dont like about smoking is when Im on my boat. I allways seem to get seasick after I smoke and the boat is rocking a bit.
Oh yeah, one more thing, I have had Asthma for 20+ years now. I use a Maxair Inhaler before each dive. Maybe that helps out with the smoker lungs that I have?

Very interesting thread.
Originally posted by Herman
i smoke, and i am sucker for a cancer stick.

but to the core.
im too @#$@#$ useless to stop.

i am always planning on stopping,
but i never get there.

i do smoke almost nothing a month or so before a compi,
but after that i chain again !

i would really like to see how my diving improves
after stopping them cigs... for good.

....im planning again on stopping,
in a month or 2, and REALLY give it a good
go this time.


Deffently Go for it even though its the biggest major stuggle, theres nothing like feeling the realase of being addicted to something & bein dependent on something thats killing u and unitmetly effecting the things that we live for is something that we can do without, (I hope that makes sence)
I'm sick of it I'm putting my foot down ;)
no good

Smoking is not good for the body ...i think people smoke for diferent reasons....is it not a placer- is it a scape for the problem sometimes people have...

May God help us .
Re: no good

Originally posted by neshamah
Smoking is not good for the body ...i think people smoke for diferent reasons....is it not a placer- is it a scape for the problem sometimes people have...

May God help us .

well said.

i started smoking to be 'cool'.
no im sorry.

I started to smoke when I was 15. Now I am 23. I quitted one year ago mainly due to spearfishing. My physical condition improved a lot. It's great.

i think we need more than ......

Well my father used to smoke a lot for years 3 years a go he became cristian...im still remember that day.he stop smoking after that by the power os God.......im no saying that people can stop smoking by themselves....but what good do it makes to you is to stop smoking and keep drinking alchool or do something also..

I think we need more than stop smoking..." what we really need is Jesus only in him we have the answer for everthing we need in this earth"

saludos los amo en el amor del Señor .. I believe in prayer"

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I am a passive smoker. My parents smoke alot.
And i must addmit the only thing keeping me from not smoking is my diveing. Everytime i get an urge to smoke (usualy when i am drunk -- i only drink when going out) i remember why i don't smoke. :)

Freediving is my druge :D

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