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Why we shoot so many Carp

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So like i was trying out my camera today. I took a bike ride over past Jon's place. As you can see he's pretty busy today so he didn't have time to talk. But he did wave and said something about how they fell for that dirty water line of crap and something about how the T shirt was going to be a cinch this year????
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Where my girlfriend comes from ( Baveria , Germany ) , carp are eaten widely . I've tried them all sorts of different ways and did not like any of them :yack , however i can recommend smoked carp , which is very nice . Served with strong horseradish sauce and a green or potato salad it's the equal of smoked trout . I think the smoking process reduces both the muddy taste and the fat content , at the same time imparting a pleasant smokey taste . This maybe a better method for spear caught fish that can't be " cleansed " in clear water . One thing i'm not sure of is how large carp taste when smoked , but no harm in trying and shame to miss out on a free meal .
hey guys both my parents are from poland and i remember they would always smoke any kind o fish. and it all tasted good. i was really young when they would do this so i dont remember much about the taste but supposedly smoked its really good. and my uncle and aunts always talk about eating carp so im guessing they liked it. try it and see for yourself. sorry i couldnt give you a comparison.
Sry but i aint a fan of smoke flavour so unless the fish taste good i wont eat it

But i am a fussy bugger LOL
In the paper last night they said that they ended up netting a little over 6,000 carp and estimate that to be 47% of the carp in Lake Wingra.

Smoked carp isn't bad. My grandfather always preferred it to smoked trout- oiler fish that tasted better when smoked or something.

This may not be the right place to ask, but I live in your neck of the woods, and am wondering what the minimum requirement would be to kill of some of these bottom dwellers. Most of the time I use an old Dacor speargun for panfish, and the shaft just bounced right off these armoured carp.
Fishlips in Sun Prairie
I have a 55cm single 19mm bad gun that I used the last time at the outlet. I landed a 15lb carp. The spear did not go all the way through. But I was shooting top to bottom on the fish.

What style gun is the Dacor? Band or Pnumatic? How long is the gun? If it's a band gun I can probably help you get it powered up.

Start a new thread about your gun with some pics, let's see what ya got!

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Fishlips in Sun Prairie- Welcome to Deeperblue first of All!! You'll have to come to some outings with us and try some different spearguns out- I'm not familiar with the Dacor speargun. It seems that a speargun 30+ inches seems to work. Obviously the more power the better. I like using the Euro style guns simply for the smaller spears. You can use them on panfish or Carp. Come spearfishing with us sometime and I'll let you try the HammerHead.
Pastor is right about Carp in Poland but keep in mind they are different. Carp in Poland is delicacy
It tastes very good and it's served at Christmas Eve dinner as one of 12 dishes.
However Asian Carp in US is no match when it comes to taste, I am not sure if it's because of their diet.
Carp in Poland before will come to the table in December will spend all year in the farm being fed every second day with wheat
then, it will swim in fresh water for day or two to get rid of mud smell

Finally, it will die from hit in the head so sad
Then it will be wrapped in flour, egg and pan fried on butter or lard depending on Lady of the house. Mother that is
nostres, ive heard that tench could also be considered a delicacy to some; any expierience w/ cooking these fish?

i use a 70cm Rob Allen Caranx w/ 20mm bands on freshwater fish, does wonders
The consensus seems to be that when eating carp, the dish must contain enough powerful tasting spices, herbs and other flavourings to make it even barely palatable?

Here in New Zealand we have Koi carp. They are considered a noxious species and when discovered are completely eradicated in that body of water. It is not a huge problem and has only occurred in small 'private lakes' to my knowledge. We do do have the algae Didymo which is causing a lot of worry. (Thanks unknown foreign visitor - DNA tracing has confirmed the source as being from the southern USA.) Maybe we could introduce more carp to eat all the didymo???

Does anyone know how carp came to be in North American waters?
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