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Wing kit.

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Well-Known Member
Nov 22, 2013
I have been wanting to add a simple wing kit to some guns for some time. I knocked up a simple plug & had the moulds made quickly. These are just the first ones & Im pretty happy with them as a starting place. This wing set displaces 650ml of water & weighs 650g so have no effect on buoyancy. By changing the compounds we can get these up to 1200g for guns which need more ballast. We all have that one friend who likes to go to extreme , his little gun is a 1100 mid handle & doesn’t really need a wing kit, but “let’s do it anyway” says my mate. The result is keyhole groups on target. Not surprising really.
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These ones are a polyurethane which has the same specific gravity of salt water so as not to upset the balance. We have several other compounds ( & endless colour choices) & can easily go to twice this weight for guns which need a lot more ballast.
Took the opportunity to save these photos. A way to add extra weight would be metal shims inboard of the wings with mounting holes forming a sort of baseplate on each side. If slightly undersized then the bands would keep off the metal plates.
Octosub band elevators.jpg
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