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World Spearfishing Championship website

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The reason for the split is that many feel CMAS has not defended spearfishing against unfair regulation and legislation, even in its own house. On the contrary, it always caved in against pressure groups because all its affiliated scuba federations are against spearfishing. Inasmuch as that the General Assembly voted to expel spearfishing from its sports roster in 1999; the decision was overturned by the Sports Arbitral Tribunal later on. It's a schyzophrenic situation; most don't want it, but they don't let it go. It has to be about money, hasn't it?

On the technical side: its competition rules only changed recently; wholesale kill was norm (or is, depending of location), and this gave us a bad rap too. And most progressive spearfishing federation consider their new rules too little too late.

On the finance side; their fees have became astronomical. A typical case of taxation without representation.

The fact that some major teams like Italy and Spain aren't taking part in Mundial FIPSA doesn't necessarily express the feeling of the divers themselves. Ask them. A Spanish diver, who has some world titles, has expressed to us that they want in but their Federation has the money and doesn't want the split because of scuba certification revenues. One must take into account that many of national underwater federations, like Italy, Spain, Portugal etc, are diversified bodies, with other sports and, worst, scuba certifications. This is a huge revenue.

As for the soccer comparison: England didn't participate in World Cup until 1950 (and was sent home by the US, btw...). Neither had the US and some countries friendly to them in the 1980 Olympics. The same happened in LA1984, with the Soviet bloc. Does that mean that we shouldn't take the results into account? A long journey always start with a step.

As for Team Canada, they're a case in point for some countries with small spearfishing community but very dedicated nonetheless. They wanted to compete in th CMAS worlds in 2002 and 2004, but the national body affiliated to CMAS sports committee, CUGA, couldn't care less because their focus was UW hockey etc. The refused to send a Canadian team under their banner because "they were against spearfishing", even if the guys paid their way. Their spearfishers are members of the famous Brown Water Hunters group. One of them even placed among the first 10 in the US Nationals a few years ago in Rhode Island.

As for the legitimacy of the FIPSA World Championship, I say they're more of a World meet than the World Series or the Superbowl, whose winners claim to be champions of the world. Irony aside, it's the understanding of FIPSA members that, if other entities do not really represent the interests of the majority of actual spearfishers (not the officers of their federations), they cannot claim exclusiveness to world titles, regardless of their so-called link with the IOC. This link is granted by fin-swimming, that's it. IOC refused spearfishing in the 60s. If they didn't want it in the first place, why should IOC recognition be used as a reason. Personally, I really don't care what IOC thinks of spearfishing. In fact, they don't; CMAS is using its name to impress the unaware.

Basically we don't stay in places where we aren't not welcomed. This snafu says a lot of the actual representation spearfishers are getting in those multi-disciplinary federations. They're in bed with their enemies, in most cases.

Off the soap box now...
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Ted, what you say is correct. Sad, but correct. For example, I know what happened in France, a country of great tradition and of great champions (Dessault, Salvatori, Esclapez...): in the last years the french UW federation turned fiercely on the side of "bubble heads", being increasingly hostile to spearfishing, until finally the spearfishers decided to split and create a federation of their own. And I understand.
--But, question: did the french do the right thing? Will a small and widely unknown federation defend the interests of this sport better than Cmas federations could do?
In Italy the situation is the same it was in France: same Fed for UW administration, line fishing and spearos, in which we are a threatened minority. But we're fighting inside the federation to make the other branches respect us. Is this a loosing strategy? Could be. But splitting the spearo front makes us even weaker, in my honest opinion.
spaghetti said:
...finally the spearfishers decided to split and create a federation of their own. But, question: did the french do the right thing?
According to them, yes. They already have 5.000 members. And FNPSA is well known in France.
spaghetti said:
...defend the interests of this sport better than Cmas federations could do?
Judging by their track record, very few indeed do defend at all, much less well. There are exceptions, though. But if they mingle other sports and scuba certification, 9 times out of 10 they're doing a bad job with spearfishers.
spaghetti said:
...In Italy the situation is the same it was in France: same Fed for UW administration, line fishing and spearos, in which we are a threatened minority. But we're fighting inside the federation to make the other branches respect us. Is this a loosing strategy? Could be. But splitting the spearo front makes us even weaker, in my honest opinion.
You're right, but what you probably don't know is that all FIPSA members tried to work within their own previous federation. This isn't about personal vanities. I tell you, it's much easy for us to forget about it and do something else. But people who live for spearfishing must not heel anymore for people who live on spearfishing.

We don't take the hard road because we like it, it's because it's the only one available.
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The positive thing is that spearos are waking up and developping a "political" consciousness or their rights and dignity, in this or in the other federation. We'll no longer accept to loose our fishing spots for the economic interests of tank divers. --mean: we'll loose them, but will not accept it ;-) just kidding--
For anything else, yet the split is done, good luck to you all
Hi Ted,

How is your leg going?

Well I think that this will be exactly like the AIDA and CMAS relation. In a future CMAS will be banning any atlethe that take part in a FIPSA championship and everybody know the rest of the story.

Maybe at the end FIPSA will take better care of us than CMAS.
I was involved with 5 CMAS World Championships and there are a lot of problems and money troubles.

Good luck with FIPSA, Where we can find information about the Federation or how to help?


Asturven said:
Well I think that this will be exactly like the AIDA and CMAS relation. In a future CMAS will be banning any atlethe that take part in a FIPSA championship and everybody know the rest of the story.


Ridiculous. I would never have anything to do with any kind of athletic organisation that had such a rule. What a pile of BS! :rcard Fascist CMAS shite.

I don't blame anyone that would try to start an alternative: good on you Ted.
Erik Y.
Asturven said:
In a future CMAS will be banning any atlethe that take part in a FIPSA championship and everybody know the rest of the story.

They already have.

As for info on FIPSA on how to help etc, stand-by likely a website will be on soon. Commercial enterprise may also join as "Associated Organizations". Some gear manufacturers and media already expressed their will to join. But first, all the bureaucratic stuff has to be ready.
Thank you Ted, that's the type of explanation I was looking for :)
THe FIPSA World Champs are history now. Log on http://www.cbcs.com.br/mundialfipsa for results and other info. Before the meet, FIPSA held its first General Assembly, with nine founding countries: Argentina, Brazil, Canada, France, Peru, Russia, Tunisia, USA and Ukraine. Next World Champs will be held in Cherbourg, France, 2008.
well anyway.. dont forget, this year the CMAS world championship is going to be held in Sines, Portugal in Setember, and i can tell you.. its gonna have lots of fish ;)
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