When people start to push their limits in freediving, there is usually an increased risk of sambas (=loss of motor control) or even blackouts.
There are, however, freedivers who have somehow managed to avoid blackouts and sambas, nonetheless achieving good freediving performances. My question to you "conservative" guys and girls is: How good?
Second try, to state the question more clearly:
To all freedivers, who have never ever experienced a blackout or a samba: What is your personal best in constant weight and in static apnea, respectively?
As I am a blackout- and samba-"virgin"
myself, I might just as well begin: constant -37m and static (don't laugh): 4:00min.
Looking forward to your replies!
When people start to push their limits in freediving, there is usually an increased risk of sambas (=loss of motor control) or even blackouts.
There are, however, freedivers who have somehow managed to avoid blackouts and sambas, nonetheless achieving good freediving performances. My question to you "conservative" guys and girls is: How good?
Second try, to state the question more clearly:
To all freedivers, who have never ever experienced a blackout or a samba: What is your personal best in constant weight and in static apnea, respectively?
As I am a blackout- and samba-"virgin"
Looking forward to your replies!